18 December 2021

240 23 6

The first thing he came to once he opened his eyes was the sound of loud banging. He adjusted his eyesight, looking for his spectacles and looking at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It was only only 7PM, he apparently had taken a short nap from working so hard on his assignments earlier he didn't even notice it.

"P'Ohm?" he called out for the older male. He must've been home for a while now since work hours ended a couple of hours ago, he thought to himself before slowly getting up from the bed. He exited the room and went downstairs only to stop at the sight before him.

"What happened here?!"

His voice must've been a tad too loud because Ohm appeared from the kitchen almost instantly. "You're awake!"

"I am now! What happened?! Why's the house a mess?" he asked his boyfriend of 5 years while pointing at the disaster that is their living room.

Ohm looked around and let out an innocent smile. "I'm looking for something," he said.

"Are you sure you're not trying to destroy it?"

"No! I lost something and I'm trying to look for it. It's really important! Probably the most important thing in my life!"

The look that Fluke throws at him almost made him shrink. "I-I mean of course after you sweetheart. You're always number one,"

Fluke scoffed before picking up the discarded couch pillow at the end of the stairs. "Let's just clean this P'Ohm. Prem and P'Boun said they're coming over,"

"But I'm still looking," the older male was whining, whining! And if he wasn't pissed off at the mess he would've laughed.

"Fine! What are you looking for? I'll help too,"

"No! You are absolutely not helping me!"

Fluke raised his eyebrows at him with an irritated look, "and why not?"


"Because what?"

"Just because!"

"P'Ohm let's just go clean up the mess you made before they come and see what you've done. If it's a mess here I don't even want to know what you did to P'Kao and Cooheart's room,"

Almost as if a light bulb just turned on on top of his head, Ohm let go of the trash can that he was holding, all the time they were having a conversation, and dropped it.

"Nhoo!! You're a genius!!"

Ohm gave a peck in Fluke's lips and ran off to their housemate's room, sensing the disaster coming, Fluke ran towards Kao and Cooheart's room. He saw Ohm flipping the sheets, lifting the mattress, opening drawers and digging through them. Fluke was horrified with what he was seeing.

"P'Ohm, you better stop whatever you're doing RIGHT NOW!"

Ohm didn't seem to hear him because all he heard back was him muttering, "it must be here... It has to be in here somewhere..."

Fluke didn't even bother to argue with Ohm anymore and just picked up the scattered clothes from the floor and tried to neatly place them back in the drawer.

Ohm on the other hand was looking underneath a tough spot trying to look for that item. He was about to give up when a fancy box caught his attention in between the tiny wall crack-about the size of a mouse hole— and he picked it up. He rejoiced in joy when he saw the ring inside.

He smiled so wide and exclaimed to Fluke. "I found it! Nhoo, I found it!"

"Yeah great, now help me clean," Fluke didn't even turn around as he kept tidying up the mess his boyfriend made. An angry Cooheart is not something that he's looking forward to seeing.

"But— Nhoo, look at me~"

"P'Ohm we'll be done a lot faster once you start cleaning and stop whining,"

"Just look at me, please..."

Fluke was getting irritated. He's cleaning the mess his boyfriend made, and Ohm is being annoying acting like that. He stood up, took a deep breath, slammed the clothes down and was ready to shout at Ohm.

"P'Ohm!! I told yo—" he wasn't able to finish his sentence when he saw Ohm on the floor kneeling down on one knee with a ring in one hand and was smiling so widely at Fluke. "P-P'Ohm... Wha-what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"


"Well then let me give you an idea," he looked down and cleared his throat. Once he looked up again, gave Fluke one of his best smiles that he knows will make the smaller male's knee soft and ask, "Fluke Natouch, will you be mine forever?"

Fluke was just rooted in place and was utterly speechless. He was staring at his mouth wide open and eyes wide. Ohm was starting to lose his smile. His palm started sweating and his heart aching at the thought of rejection. He started to panic that he might have scared Fluke with his sudden proposal.

"P'Ohm... I... I..." a tear slipped down Fluke's cheeks and Ohm quickly stood up to wipe it away. He hugged Fluke tight and was whispering sweet things in his ears to make him stop crying.

"I'm sorry Nhoo, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry," he said, trying to calm the smaller male who was already a sobbing mess. Fluke chuckled, and wiped his tears.

"These are happy tears P'Ohm," he said.

"Does that mean you're saying yes?" Ohm asked, smiling.

"Of course, you duffus. Now put that ring on me,"

Both male chuckled and Ohm took out the ring from the box before slipping the ring on Fluke's finger. Both admired the ring once it was placed there.

"It's like it was always there," the older male said, kissing Fluke's forehead.

"Yeah," Fluke answered, "So, are you gonna tell me why this ring is in P'Kao and Coo's room?"


A/N: Early today to make up for yesterday's lateness plus, I'm going to the movies tonight~ Finally got the time to watch Spiderman! 

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now