22 September 2021

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How the fuck did I get myself into this situation?

That's the question that I kept asking myself for the past 2 weeks now.

It was like a domino effect, one thing leading to another thing. And it was all pure chaos.

One minute I was happily in a relationship and the next thing was I was dumped before we were supposed to be meeting my parents.

And the next big thing was I was suddenly engaged to my best friend, in front of my whole family and my wedding is going to be held in a month.

So again,

How the fuck did I get myself into this situation?

— — —

First of all, excuse me for being rude, my name is Natouch Siripongthon, or more commonly known as Fluke.

I'm 25 years old as of June of this year and as of the end of August, I was in a relationship. The key word is was.

Me and my boyfriend had been together for the past 3 years and we met when my colleague introduced me to her "handsome older brother" and after 2 months of courting, we made it official on our 9th date.

However, it all went haywire when it was my parents' anniversary and they wanted to renew their vows so they'll be having a small party. Only close friends and family were invited.

My parents had never met my boyfriend, thus they told me that I need to invite him so they can get to know him and maybe introduce him to the rest of the family. I was actually okay with it, and so I happily informed my boyfriend of the plan.

Rather than an excited response which I expected him to give, he instead lost his smile and didn't answer my invitation. Not wanting to put him under pressure, I didn't push him into it, yet. The party wasn't in another week, maybe he just needed time to think about it.

Meeting families is a big deal after all.

The both of us hadn't met each others' family, though if he told me that he was going to introduce me to his family I would've agreed on the spot. But different people have different reactions, I guess.

However, the next day when I received a phone call from my boyfriend, asking to meet, I got a bad feeling about it. But nothing could've prepared me for when we finally met that evening, my boyfriend of 3 years dumped me, saying that he wasn't as in love with me as he thought he was and that he found someone new.

After delivering the news, he wished me good luck and left me standing frozen in the middle of the park.

I was sad, angry, and disappointed. All the emotions mixed in my heart but out of all, I was mostly confused. Confused why I wasn't as mad and as sad as I know I was supposed to feel. Does that make sense?

I was sad, but why wasn't I crying?

I was mad, but why wasn't I throwing a tantrum?

I was disappointed, but why did I feel glad too?

As if knowing my situation, my best friend of more than 10 years called me on my cell phone which was what brought me out of my stupor.

"Hello?" I said as soon as I pushed the answer button.

"Noo? Brian called and told me what happened just now. Are you okay?" He couldn't help but to smile, noticing the worry in his voice.

"So that dick told you to check on me?" I asked, letting my body fall on the nearby bench.

"Yeah. Are you okay? I'm on my way, wait for me there okay?" I told him I was okay, maybe, and that yes I will wait for him and then the line was cut.

For the whole 15 minutes I was just sitting on the bench, my eyes glued on the pebbles and grass around me. Then I heard a sound of footsteps coming closer to me, the person was obviously running and by the panting it was apparent the person didn't even bother taking their car to reach here.

And of course I know who this person is.


I looked up and looked at my tall best friend. "Ohmmy..." I didn't need to say anything further when Ohm opened his arms and I instantly jumped into his embrace.

He wraps his arms around me tightly and lets me be for as long as I want.

But like I said, I wasn't crying, I wasn't shouting, I was just there in his arms. Feeling safe and sound.

Ohm's arms are like a magical place to me, he knows when I need his hugs and he was never stingy about it. I've always loved his hugs. Being inside his arms can cure anything for me. We don't need to be talking, only hugging each other and we'll be okay.

I'm not sure if he was feeling the same way about my hugs because he does the same thing with me too. As much as we're best friends and talk about everything, the best things we love about each other is our hugs.

20 minutes later, I slowly pulled away and tilted my head to look at him. Damn his tall genes. "I'm okay now." I said smiling, to which he smiled too.

"I'm glad. You don't need to think about him anymore, okay?" Ohm said, bopping my nose with his finger gently to make me laugh.

"I won't." And I was being honest.

— — —

It was finally my parent's anniversary party, and I totally forgot to tell my parents that I was dumped a week ago and now they've opened their mouths and told everybody who came that they're going to introduce my boyfriend to them.

"Thank you everybody for coming to our small gathering. Today is our 30th wedding anniversary and we actually renewed our wedding vows earlier today, witnessed by our parents and son." His father said.

"But other than to celebrate our anniversary, we also wanted to share another happy news with everybody today." His mother then stood up and continued. "Our son Fluke is going to introduce his boyfriend to us. Fluke?"


I widened my eyes and looked at Ohm who was seated beside me.

Of course he was invited, his parents are also here. "Ohmmy I forgot to tell them!" I whispered shout to him. Now everybody was looking at me, expecting me to introduce my boyfriend which was nonexistent now.

Ohm however just gives his left hand a reassuring squeeze before standing up.

"It's me, uncle, aunty. I'm Fluke's boyfriend. And in front of everybody here, I want to ask your permission to marry Fluke."



OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now