26 August 2021

345 33 10

Ohm was chuckling to himself from behind the counter whilst cleaning the cups and mugs while looking at the familiar looking male who was outside of the coffee shop sipping, or actually trying to take a sip of his black coffee that he ordered about 8 minutes ago.

This was a familiar sight because the same male has been coming over, ordering the same black coffee from him for about 20 days now. And he always makes weird faces as he is sipping the coffee. After a couple sips, he walked away and Ohm put down the mug and the clothes to go outside and as usual he went to the nearby trashcan and saw the empty coffee cup inside.

The familiar black liquid on the drain.

Ohm smiled and shook his head as he watched the back of the small male walking away.

It was intriguing for him when the first time the small male who he didn't know the name of, came and ordered a cup of black coffee to go. At first he was expecting him to order something sweet like their famous chocolate marshmallow because he looks quite adorable with that extra large hoodie he was sporting, he seemed like he'd want to drink sweet things too.

But when he opened his cute little lips and ordered, "One large cup of black coffee please." And Ohm had to ask him to repeat his order because he thought he misheard it. "L-Large black coffee, please...?" He repeated, suddenly unsure of his order.

Ohm smiled and nodded before punching in the order on the cashier machine and got to making it.

Once he was done and the smaller male paid for his order, he watched as the other thanked him and left the coffee shop only to stop when he was a few steps and taking a sip of his cup of coffee and then gagging and trying hard to swallow the liquid. Ohm watched some more when he tried to take another sip only to repeat the same action and finally spilled the coffee to the drain and threw the now empty cup to the trash can.

After that incident, Ohm was taken by surprise when the same male came back the next day and ordered the same drink and again, the same thing happened.

At first Ohm was weirded out but decided against saying anything about it, as long as he's getting the money from the sale. But when it kept happening again and again for 5 days straight, he was getting skeptical.

Now that it's been happening for more than 2 weeks, Ohm decided it was time to make his presence known. Not that the smaller male didn't know him, it was literally always him that was taking his order but, you know what I mean.

Ohm looked at the clock, it was 13 minutes before 9 in the early morning, the usual time that the kid will come and get his black coffee. It was a Tuesday and like any other weekdays, the coffee shop will mostly be vacant in the morning, the perfect opportunity for him to interrogate, okay not interrogate, just talk to the small boy.

When he saw the familiar looking boy crossing the road, he readied himself and smiled once the entrance was opened.

"Welcome." He greeted the smaller male who started blushing by the sudden welcome.

"T-Thank you." He replied. "Can I have one black coffee to go please." He ordered, looking anxiously when he did. Like he always does.

Ohm nodded. But before he punched in the order he looked at the male. "So what's your deal kid?"


"You come here every morning, order the same black coffee to go, walk out the café, take a couple sips, make weird faces because I assume you don't like the taste of it, then throw it away. Why'd you do it if you don't like it? Why keep ordering the thing that you don't like? Are you trying to show you're matured or something?"

Ohm locked his eyes with the smaller male who had his eyes widened with the realisation that his previous actions were noticed by the man and he was caught red handed.


Feeling a bit amused by the reaction, Ohm stood up straight. "Cat got your tongue?" The boy bit his lower lips and put down his gaze from the intense one.

"It was you." He suddenly said, lifting his face to look at Ohm again.

Ohm blinked a couple of times, now the cat caught my tongue. "What?"

They looked at each other, one in confusion, one in embarrassment.

"I did it because of you." The smaller male repeated, his cheeks started reddening which didn't go unnoticed by the barista.

"Why?" Ohm asked.

"T-To get your attention." When he finally said that, he quickly put his palms to his face, shielding himself in front of the tall male.

Ohm internally dropped his jaw before smiling a few seconds later. He punched in the order and started making the drink before taking a piece of tissue and writing something on it.

When he was done, he put the hot cup on the counter.

"Here, your order." He said to the male who was sheepishly looking at him.

"O-Okay. Thank you." The smaller male replied, taking the cup and the tissue, but before he could turn around and leave and maybe buried himself 6 feet under, the barista called for him.

"What's your name?"


Ohm nodded, walking out of the counter and standing in front of him. "I'm Ohm." He said. Fluke nodded his head, a little confused.

"You don't need to keep coming here and ordering this—" He took the cup from the other's hand and returned the money he paid earlier. "You yourself are already gaining my attention when you came here for the first time. I write my number on the tissue, I'm expecting a text later. Bye."


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now