07 October 2021

291 30 4

A Drabble

The lightning sounded closer than they should. Fluke woke up in the middle of the night, after an awful nightmare. He hated storms; they always made his sleep even crappier than they already were. Not to mention he was afraid of the thunder.

He sat up and gripped his fluffy pillow to his chest. He tried waiting for the storm to pass but from the looks of it, it was probably going to last until morning.

He was really sleepy, his eyes were constantly closing but then the lightning would strike and they would shoot open just as fast as they closed. It was only making him feel worse.

Fluke wanted to sleep so badly that small tears were forming in his eyes. He really wanted someone there with him, but he figured it'd be selfish to wake the others up just because he couldn't sleep.

The door to his bedroom opened slightly, revealing a frantic Ohm. The boy took off his jacket and slid under the bed sheets without just so much as a word.

"P'Ohm?" Fluke lay down once again and instantly snuggled closer to his boyfriend.

"Shh go to sleep baby. I'm here now, everything's okay." Fluke wanted to hug the hell out of his amazing lover who just drove, God know how many miles, in the middle of a stormy night just to go and sleep with his stupid-afraid-of-lightning boyfriend.

He pecked Ohm on the lips and the latter replied with a cute Eskimo kiss.

"Thank you." Ohm nodded in response and stroked his brown hair tenderly. Fluke sighed in relief and finally fell asleep in his lover's arms.

Out there, the loud thunder could still be seen and heard, but to Fluke, the only sound he could distinguish was his boyfriend's heartbeat against his ear.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now