05 December 2021

262 29 15

A Songfic

Wise men say
Only fools rush in

"Love takes time Ohm. I know my days are numbered but you shouldn't force yourself to fall in love with someone. Love doesn't work that way. Let it come to you when it's real, my son." The words of his late mother kept playing in his head. It's been a little over a year since she passed away and Ohm still hasn't found the one.

Until today...

But I can't help falling in love with you

It was just like any other Saturday, he was watering the plants on his porch when he heard the bell of a bicycle around. The sound was distant at first but it got louder and louder, as if the person who was riding it was getting closer.

It was still 8 in the morning and most people are most probably still sleeping and so he looked up with a frown, ready to throw a glare at whoever that was making such a ruckus with the bicycle so early in the morning only to dropped the water hose he was holding when the figure of the male who was riding his bike appears.

The way the sun shines behind him, the way the male was smiling brighter than the sun, the way his giggles sound like a beautiful music to his ear.

And Ohm knew, he's fallen.

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin

His name was Fluke. His family recently just moved to the house that was previously owned by the old Mrs. Pimprata who moved to live in the city with her son. That morning he was just riding around the neighbourhood to look around.

He descended his bike in front of Ohm's house and introduced himself, smiles and all. He didn't know it but Ohm was struck by his beauty that he was left speechless. However, he was listening tentatively. He heard when he told him his name was Fluke, he just moved with his family and that he's going to be attending the same school as he was.

Was because he graduated from said school 2 years ago.

But Ohm didn't say anything, merely blinking a few times. He knows that it seemed like he's being rude but it was like there was a lump on his throat.

"Err... Well, I'll see you around." Fluke said with an awkward smile before riding his bike again. Leaving a still stunned Ohm by the porch of his house.


If I can't help falling in love with you?

It's been over a month of Ohm just watching the third year highschooler around his neighbourhood. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't stalking him. It's just that they stumbled upon each other so often that Ohm felt like fate was playing around with him.

He still hasn't said anything to the younger male since it's always rendered him speechless in the presence of the beautiful male. But he often thinks about what he's going to say to Fluke when they see each other again, something that'll leave a good impression on him.

He never thought, however, that the first thing he actually said was when he met Fluke when he just got out from buying some coffee and Fluke merely greeted him with a "Hello, phi!" was, "You're so beautiful. I think I've fallen in love with you."

Double shit.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea

Fluke merely giggled. He thought he was done for but Fluke actually smiled. "That's so cute." He said. "But I don't even know your name Phi."

Ohm gulped the nonexistent lump on his throat, whispering a timid, "I-I'm Ohm..."

One again the adorable male in front of him let out a small chuckle. Usually Ohm would be annoyed when a person does this but with Fluke, he wants the other male to keep on laughing, smiling, giggling.

"Well then P'Ohm. It's an honour. But, isn't it a bit too soon? We don't even know each other." Fluke said, hand behind his back. Ohm can feel his hold on his coffee was slipping but he quickly regained himself.

With a shake of his head, he said, "We can get to know each other. I-If you'd like."

He wasn't expecting the younger to want to but again, Fluke took him by surprise.

"I'd love that."

Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Ohm was a mess whenever he was in the presence of Fluke. But Fluke will always just giggle and say that it was, "Cute." which confuses him because him stumbling on his words and literally stumbling was anything but cute.

"P'Ohm, let's get ice cream." They were on another one of their dates. Ohm lost count because it seemed like they've been going out everyday since that faithful day outside of the coffee house.

He looked at the direction the younger male was pointing at and saw that it was actually an ice cream truck that will pass by the area. And Ohm must admit, he hadn't had the ice cream since he was in high school.

So with a smile, he nodded. "Sure," he said.

Take my hand
Take my whole life too

Fluke replied with a smile and before walking past him to go to the ice cream truck, he did something that took the older male by surprise. Fluke took one of his hands and interlaced their fingers together, before leading the way.

He wasn't even paying attention to where they're going, his eyes on their hands. Their intertwined fingers.

It fits perfectly with his, Fluke's hands.

It was as if they were made for each other to hold.

When they finally arrived, it was a short walk, Fluke proceeded to pick their ice cream, he nodded his head with whatever flavour Fluke picked for him, eyes still glued to their hands. But then Fluke let go of his hands when he was paying and Ohm suddenly felt lost. His hands feel empty.

But as quickly as it was gone, it was back there. Fluke handed him his ice cream and took his hands into his again.

He noticed the way Ohm hadn't said anything and smiled. "Is this okay P'Ohm?" He asked, and somehow Ohm knew he was pertaining to their hands.

Ohm let out a smile, tightening the hold on the other's hand. "More than okay."

For I can't help falling in love with you

"Mae, I'm here again. I miss you. It's been 2 years and I'm doing better but I still miss you just as much." He sniffles. "I'm sorry I haven't been visiting lately. But I bought someone today."

The dry leaves made a rustling noise when the person beside him squatted down to his height. "Hello Mae."

Ohm smiled as he looked at his side. "Mae, this is Fluke. I know you said I shouldn't rush in love, but this time, I'm sure Mae. This is real. He's the love of my life."

Fluke who was beside him couldn't help but to smile, his eyes getting teary as he heard his boyfriend of 3 months tell his mother.

"I wish you could have met him, but I know you're watching over us now." Ohm added. "Thank you Mae, thank you for teaching me what love is."

They spend about 10 more minutes just talking, Fluke telling Ohm's mother about him and them just exchanging smiles.

When it was time to leave, with their hands intertwined, Fluke couldn't help but to say, "So before me, you were rushing in love?"

Ohm smiled. "When Mae got diagnosed, I went searching for the perfect person so Mae could see me get married. But she taught me better. So I waited for the right person to come to me,"

"But the first thing you said to me was that you've fallen for me." Fluke said, giggling which made the older to laugh.

"Well, with you, I just can't help but fall in love."


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now