04 September 2021

356 30 12

A Repost. Hint of DeanPharm

It was another yearly night arcade park. Every 2nd week of summer that town would hold a week of night market, parade, and other fairs in that park. The park would always be crowded, especially when it was the last day of the event. And that year, the Ritprasert family could only visit the park at the end of the week.

"Papa, I want to ride that!" a little hyper boy exclaimed; pointing out the roller coaster ride.

"But Dean, we just arrived here. Can we ride something nicer like a merry-go-round or..."

"Papa~" Dean whined at his papa. The brunette sighed in defeat; it's not every day though he could see his son whining.

"Okay~ But you will play it with daddy only."

"Okay! Thank you, Papa." Grinning happily, Dean then dashed off to the line in front of the ticket booth.

"Why not come with us?" A taller handsome man asked, smirking.

"You know I don't like it." The other one replied.

"Why? Scared? Don't be. I'll be there to hug you tight." He said, fixing his glasses before leaning down to kiss the other on his cheek.

"P'Ohm! Just go get Dean there." His husband pushed him in the direction of their son who was now waving two tickets excitedly.

"Okay. Wait for us. And don't get lost." He chuckled lightly as he pulled his husband closer for a quick kiss.

"Have fun~" he waved at his retreating husband.

It was when the three of them decided to pay a visit to a chocolate pastry shop after wandering around that Dean spotted a little boy who was squatting down, crying, in front of a candy shop across from their destination.

"Papa, daddy... Can I go there for a while?" the little boy asked his parents' permission. Both of his papa and dad turned their heads to where their little son pointed out, but they missed another little boy who was crying there.

"Okay." It was his dad who approved him. "Come here right after you buy some candies, okay baby?" Dean nodded and ran to the candy shop as his parents walked into the pastry shop.

"I thought he doesn't like sweets." Ohm commented.

"Aren't you talking about yourself?" his husband asked him; chuckling.

"I like you. Aren't you sweet?" The taller retorted cheekily.

— — —

"Hey." Dean greeted the other boy; squatting down as well. The crying boy looked up at Dean.

"Do I know you?" he asked within his sobs. Dean smiled at the cuteness of the boy before him.

"No, you don't. I'm Dean, by the way." He said, offering his hand.

"Pharm." The crying coconut-haired boy answered as he took Dean's hand.

"You have a beautiful name. Just like you." Dean said bluntly, making Pharm widen his eyes in surprise.

"Thank you." Pharm then replied shyly in between his sniffs.

"Aren't you tired squatting like this?" Dean asked. Pharm could only nod weakly. "Let's take a seat on the stairs there, shall we?" The former got up and reached out his hand to the latter. The latter hesitantly took Dean's hand and let himself be led by the taller boy to the side stairs of that candy shop entrance.

"Why are you crying, Pharm?" Dean asked as he wiped the remaining tears on Pharm's cheeks with his thumb; while his other hand was still holding Pharm's hand tight. Pharm, who was calm before, started to cry again as he answered, "My parents..."

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