27 October 2021

275 31 22

It was a hectic night at the bar. Fluke looked around the room, his colleagues were shrieking, some were trying to run away only to be captured and taken. He was standing by one of the pillars, just watching everything in horror.

It was pure luck that nobody took a care of him. Just standing there, alone.

"Fluke!" He heard one of his co-worker calling for him, reaching towards him. He turned and extended his hand but it was too late, the other male was swiftly captured. He watched in horror as the vampire who captured Kin proceeded to sink his fang on his neck, sucking his blood dry. He wants to close his eyes, the way Kin was looking at him as his life was being sucked out of him was terrifying.

Suddenly, by the corner of his eyes, he caught another presence who was also alone. Unlike him, the male was sitting down on one of the couches inside a booth for their VVIP customer. Fluke turned to look at the male and was surprised that the person was already looking at him.

Almost as if he's ogling him. Fluke blushed, the bunny ear he had on his head, the tight shorts he had on and the loose crop top did nothing to cover his body.

Soon, the male stood up and made his way to him and stopped before him. His eyes penetrated Fluke's soul and something in him jumped.

He's a vampire.

He should be scared, but somehow he isn't.

"What's your name, pretty?" The vampire asked as he leaned forwards, wrapping his arm around Fluke's slim waist and his breath ghosting Fluke's neck.

The smaller male gasped as he felt the vampire leaving kisses on the expense of his skin.

"F-Fluke." He replied.

The vampire pulled his face away from Fluke's neck and smirked. "I'm Ohm." He said. "Come with me." He pulled away, but intertwined his fingers with the stripper, who hesitantly moved with him.

Vampires aren't something new. They were everywhere in his town. He's come to encounter them before but never like this. Never was he drawn to the fanged being like he is to Ohm.

This night had been anything but normal. He was just starting his shift at the local bar like he always did before but then suddenly a swarm of vampires entered and chaos ensued. He forgot that that night was the night that vampires all over the world will come out and have their one open day of just feeding off of humans.

He found himself inside a car, it was one of the fanciest cars he's been into and it was only him and Ohm inside.

"Where are you taking me K'Ohm?" He asked timidly, suddenly feeling naked under the sharp gaze of the vampire.

Ohm moved closer towards him, his body just couldn't stay apart from him, his mate. More than a thousand years of being unmated, he finally found the one.

Being a vampire lord was something Ohm had the privilege of but now that he's got his mate, he finally felt complete.

His mate is beautiful, his eyes looking a deep brown colour, he knows when he turns him the colour will change and he can't wait for it to happen. His cheeks were the chubbiest despite being petite himself, and that lips, that plump red lips was everything.

"Just Ohm, my mate." He answer.


Fluke's eyes widened. This was his mate. He had always felt like there was something that wasn't enough for him as a human. Like he was meant to be something else. Now he knew. It was because his mate was a vampire.

"Mate..." He repeated to himself. Ohm gently pulled him to straddle him, his thigh on both sides of the vampire. Ohm's arms wrapped around his waist as he rested his arms around the taller male's shoulder.

"Yes, my mate." Ohm whispered before claiming the plump lips into his. Fluke didn't take long to respond. Soon they were exchanging saliva. A soft moan slips out of the human when Ohm pulls on his tongue.

Reluctantly, Ohm pulled away. "As much as I want to take you here, my sweets, we'll have to wait until we're home." He said, and just as he finished, the driver seat was opened.

Ohm's driver got in and Ohm ordered him to drive them home.

"I-I should move." Fluke said once the car started moving, however before he could even lift his body, the arms around him tightened.

"You are not going anywhere my love, this is perfect."

Smiling, Fluke nodded. It is perfect.



OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now