15 December 2021

297 30 6

Fluke taps his feet on the floor, creating the only sound in the room. He looked at the time on his phone and couldn't help but to bite his lower lips in nervousness. It was less than 30 minutes before his first solo event and he was a nervous wreck.

Usually it was him and Ohm, his best partner, his real partner. But today it was just him, alone. When it was a couple events, at least he got Ohm who can ease his nervousness by being there with him. When he doesn't know what to do, Ohm will be the one who holds his hand and kisses him softly until he forgot about the nervousness.

But today, Ohm has a different schedule so he can't even be there for support.

"Nong, you're up in 20 minutes."

Fluke turned to the staff and nodded, letting out a loud sigh. "I can do this," he said to himself, trying to ease his heart which was beating too fast. Just when he was about to stand up, his phone rang.

Upon seeing the caller, a smile appears on his face. A real one this time. He pressed on the green button and the familiar face of the younger male appear.



His smile widened just by looking at Ohm smiling at him.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm so nervous P'Ohm," He pouted, as Ohm chuckled.

"You don't' have to be,"

"But you're not here,"

"Who says?" And almost instantly the door to the waiting room was opened, revealing the taller male with his phone in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.


"Surprise~" He opened his arms, and Fluke quickly rushed into his embrace. Luckily P'News was there so the bouquet didn't fall on the floor. Ohm smiled, wrapping his arms around the smaller male. "You're so cold," he said, caressing Fluke's famously known chubby cheeks.

"I told you I'm nervous," the smaller replied, the pout coming back on his face that Ohm couldn't help but lean down to claim those lips into his.

"And I told you that you don't have to, I'm here Nhoo. Always was, always will," he said once they pulled away from the soft kiss.

Fluke smiled, snuggling closer towards he taller. "I know, thank you,"

"Always welcome, baby,"


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now