28 September 2021

308 33 10


Dean was waiting for his small lover by the stairs like usual. His class ended 10 minutes ago and today is a Friday so there wasn't any swimming practice.

The people who passed by him smiled and talked to themselves, he saw some had taken a picture of him. Probably to post to that secret group chat of him and Pharm, he couldn't help but to smile.

Of course he knows of the existence of the group, Pharm always lets him hold his phone and he will sometimes see the notification from the group. He never asked about it to his younger boyfriend but, of course he knew.

He was confused however how Pharm was even in the group when it was for the two of them but he guessed it was probably because of his little sister Del and Manaow.

It was about 5 minutes later when he heard the usual voice of a girl, Manaow, followed by a voice that he's learned and loved by heart. He stood up and walked towards the stairs when the trio, more known as the 'traffic light gang' appeared.




He smiled and nodded at the excited girl and Team before standing up in front of the smallest of them.

"Pharm." He gently greeted the other male who instantly blushed at him, something that he's always found endearing. They've been together for more than 6 months now but the smaller male was still blushing whenever they saw each other.

"P'Dean~" Pharm replied cue Manaow's squealing.

"P'Dean, why are you here?" Manaow asked, her smile was so wide Dean was afraid it'll tore her face apart. He couldn't help but to smile at his own thoughts, Pruk will probably kill him if he knew about his thought.

"I'm here to pick up Pharm." He replied.

"Oh... Are you guys going somewhere tonight?" Manaow asks again, Team who was behind her quickly nudges her but she dismisses him, as she usually does. Dean and Pharm chuckled.

"No, I'm just picking him up to go back." Dean said to which Pharm nodded his head to.

"Oh right! Pharm didn't bring his car today." The girl said again.

"Okay that's enough." Team interjected. "We'll leave now. Bye Pharm, bye P'Dean." He waved at the couple whilst pulling at the struggling girl.

Manaow waved at Pharm and Dean while dramatically leaving.

"Your class ended early today?" Pharm asked when it was just the two of them.

"Yeah, ready to go?" The older male asked, extending his hand for Pharm to take. Pharm nodded, smiling brightly before taking the hand into his.

They walk hand in hand towards the parking lot where Dean parked his car as usual, other students who saw or passed them will smile and of course take pictures but they didn't really care.

As they discussed last week, Dean will be sleeping over in Pharm's condo for the weekend because tomorrow they were supposed to have a date.

— — —

Dean was cleaning the dishes after they finished their dinner. It was already an unwritten rule that Pharm will be preparing the food, as he usually does, and then Dean will be in charge of washing the dishes.

The television was playing in the background but as usual, nobody was watching. Pharm was on the bed, laying on his tummy as he scrolled through the iPad.

Dean dried his hands and lay beside the smaller male.

"Did you get anything?" He asked, resting his chin on top of his palm.

Pharm nodded and tapped on the iPad, opening a tab. "This one seemed nice, isn't it P'Dean?" He said, pointing at the traditional Thailand snack on the screen.

"It is, do you have the ingredients?" The older male asked, resting his right hand on the smaller male's waist.

"Um... I think I only need to get some palm sugar. I ran out last night."

"Alright then we'll get them tomorrow."


"Alright, now let's put this away—" Dean took the iPad from Pharm and put it on the bedside table. "—and give me some love~"



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