10 November 2021

304 34 7

"N'Tawan is here~" Fluke announced once he entered the familiar pet clinic. Tawan, as if understanding, barks happily.

The nurse and receptionist who was at the clinic lobby cooed at the Pomeranian. "Tawan!" They gushed over the pup and maybe the owner too, but that's only for them to know.

"He's gotten bigger!"

"He eats a lot, P'Boon." Fluke replied with a giggle before letting the pup down on the floor. Tawan barks one more time before running towards the play den where there's a lot of puppy toys to play with.

"I came for a normal check up." Fluke said as he walked towards the counter to get registered. He was filling in the form on the tab when the veterinarian went out of the treatment.

"Oh, is Tawan here for his check up?" Fluke jolted up and turned to look at the source of the voice. The sight of the veterinarian made the blood in him surge up, forming a blush on his chubby cheeks every time he caught sight of said man.

"Y-Yes." He replied, the cheerfulness earlier turning to air when the tall veterinarian was in front of him. The nurse and the receptionist giggling behind the counter turned to deaf ears.

"He seems bigger. Let's hope he's not too big." The doctor said smiling that dimple smile that rendered Fluke speechless. "Alright, I'll be waiting." And with that, he winked at the frozen figure by the counter and went back inside the room.

"Did Dr. Ohm just wink?"

"He totally did!"

Fluke turns back to the counter and bit his lower lips. "H-he was just benign nice." He said to the two girls, but deep down, he knew he was telling that to himself. Don't get your hopes high, Fluke. He reminded himself.

"He was, but that wink was unnecessary." The nurse said, giggling. Fluke had been coming to their vet for the past year since he got Tawan and they were more than familiar with each other.

And they were more than familiar with the push and pull game that Fluke was playing with their doctor. It was fun to tease the client since he was so obviously attracted to the veterinarian but it doesn't help that Dr. Ohm had been more and more bold in his moves and one of these days, they won't be surprised if the two started dating.

"You can go in now, Fluke." The receptionist said once he was done. There wasn't anybody at that time so the process was fast. Come to think of it, whenever Tawan appointment was set, Fluke realise that there seems to be nobody else but him.

"Alright, thank you Sei." He smiled, picking up the pup who'd been standing beside him since before. "Let's get you checked Tawan~" He cooed at his pup.

Before entering the treatment room, he knocked on the door and entered when he heard a soft, "come in, Fluke." Which of course made him blush again.

"Hello." Dr. Ohm greeted him, putting away the file he was working on and turning his chair so he's fully facing the other male.

"Hello doctor." Fluke replied, putting down the Pomeranian on the specified spot beside them.

"How's N'Tawan doing?" The doctor asked as he began examining the pup with the biggest smile. He's always been fond of animals, part of the reason why he became a veterinarian in the first place. But Tawan holds a special place in his heart... so is the owner if he was being honest.

"He's been eating a lot. I tried to take him for walks as often as you told me to but he's just so lazy. But I played around a lot with him and that's the only time I can see him running around, so I think that was okay, right?" Fluke smiled, the nervousness gone when talking about his puppy.

Dr. Ohm nodded, taking the big pup and putting him on the weighing scale. "Well, his weight is still in the normal zone. So he's doing okay." He said, to which Fluke exhaled in relief. He's been feeling the added weight whenever he had to pick up Tawan, but maybe it was because he was still growing so that was a relief.

"He's growing great. But at the rate he's going, you need to still watch his food intake and make him exercise more. We don't want him to be obese."

Fluke nodded, determined to not let that happen.

"Okay, everything else seemed okay." Dr. Ohm said, putting the pup back on the cot. Fluke smiled.

"Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome Fluke. Here, give this to Sei, she'll set up your next appointment like always." The tall tanned doctor said, giving the smaller male a receipt. Fluke nodded and took the paper before picking up Tawan.

"Alright, thank you again Dr. Ohm. say thank you to Dr. Ohm, Tawan." He said, moving one of Tawan's paw and the pup barks once. Both male chuckled.



"Do you have any plans for lunch?" Dr. Ohm asked, standing up so he's standing in front of the other.

Fluke blinks. "I-I don't." He really doesn't.

Ohm smiled and nodded. "Would you like to join me for my lunch? It's in 10 more minutes." The doctor said, pointing at the clock on the wall. Fluke looked at said watch and saw it was indeed 10 more minutes before 12 noon.

"You can leave Tawan here. I'm sure Boon and Sei wouldn't mind taking care of him." The doctor added.

"A date? Is he asking me for a date?"

"You can take it as a date if you want to." As if hearing his thoughts, the doctor muttered those words. Fluke widened his eyes.

"I-I would love to." He replied timidly, biting his lips. Dr. Ohm smiled, so wide Fluke's afraid it'll tear his face apart.

"Great. I'll go tell them." He nodded as Dr. Ohm leads him out of the room to the reception area. He could only stand there, ear and cheeks red as Dr. Ohm told his two employees of their date and that Tawan was going to be staying with them for the time being.

The squeals and giggles from the two women was more than enough telling that they didn't mind being a temporary nanny.

When Dr. Ohm went back inside to change to his casual attire, the two women swarmed over the still blushing male.

"Oh my God! You're going on a date with Dr. Ohm!"

"Oh my God!"

It didn't take long for the doctor to come back and when he did, the two girls instantly shut up and got back to their station. Sei behind the counter and Boon took the puppy from Fluke's arms.

"Ready to go?" Dr. Ohm asked as he approached the smaller male.

"Y-Yes." Fluke replied, smiling.

"Boon, Sei, take care of the vet. I'll be back in 2 hours."

"Take as much time as you want, doctor! We can call Dr. Mein if you don't come back at all." Boon said giggling.

Ohm chuckled, shaking his head. Fluke smiled as Ohm put his right hand on the small of his back before opening the door for him.

The two girls squealing at the sight.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now