12 November 2021

276 29 4

A Drabble

It was cold

Ohm shivered and pulled his blanket higher up to his chin. The unfamiliar texture of the material brushed against his skin. He sighed and turned to his side so he could look at the rainy night outside through the window. The only sound he could hear was the soft sound of rain drops.

The actor got up from the bed carefully, making no sound as he walked to the window with his thick blanket. His hand reached up to touch the cold glass as he looked through the unfamiliar surrounding outside. As he expected, no one was walking on the dark street. He sighed again. It was cold and lonely.

Nights like this always made him feel like he was all alone by himself. He didn't like it when he was left by himself, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. It made him feel insecure. He didn't like the foreign air around him, the feel of foreign objects around him.

Not to mention the foreign language as well. All of that just didn't feel right to him. He looked around at his 'room'. The bed, the chair, the mirror, even the floor felt weird to him. They all just made him even more 'cold'.

It was already past midnight but he still couldn't fall asleep. He had tried closing his eyes for almost half an hour but that obviously didn't work. Then he counted sheep from one until he lost count. That didn't work either.

He wanted to drink warm milk like Fluke told him to once but he had forgotten to buy it this afternoon, when he had a chance. At times like this he is really jealous of P'News who could fall asleep easily. He hated this insecure feeling that always bubbled up when he was at an unfamiliar place.

The rain was getting harder and harder, he mused as he kept looking outside. He pressed his forehead to the window's glass, closing his eyes and just listening to the raindrops.

A soft ringtone from his cell phone caught the attention of his wandering mind. A soft smile graced his lips as he crawled back to his bed, where he put his cell phone before.

"P'Ohm?" A soft voice called out.

"Hey, Noo." He whispered back, feeling warm all over from the simple phone call. "You just got back?" Ohm asked even though the answer was obvious.

He could hear his best friend and lover chuckled and proceed to tell him about his day, about how P'Note kept making cold jokes every chance he got, about funny dances they saw on TikTok, about P'Pang complaining about his chocolate cake, Ploy singing loudly on set, Aaugust's busy schedule and about everyone else.

The familiar and warm voice soothed Ohm and he could feel his eyes dropping bit by bit. He fell asleep with a smile planted on his lips as he heard Fluke whisper 'I miss you' He didn't care that he didn't care that he didn't reply to the older dancer or the fact that he fell asleep during the conversation.

It's because he knew that even though Fluke would be mad at him tomorrow, he was always there for him even though there's a great distance between them. Ohm wasn't alone after all.


OhmFluke A Day IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin