09 December 2021

239 27 11

3 Michelin Star holders Chef Fluke and Chef Ohm were known for their rivalry. A healthy rivalry. They have been known to come out with one excellent dish after the other. Both positively perceived by people.

Fluke was a chef that based his food off of homemade and simple cooking. He liked to recreate every mother's recipe and alleviate the flavours. He can take your simple recipe and turn it into a 5 star restaurant dish. That's how good he was with food.

Ohm on the other hand was the one they called a genius chef. He likes to make food that's straight out of a science fiction movie. Everything extravagant and at the same time elegant. Combined with the amazing flavours, it was a perfect dish for the high end people.

Both chefs catered to different groups of people but their name was almost always mentioned together. Be it positively or negatively.

Yet, what people didn't know was that the two chefs would meet almost every night, at the convenience store at the heart of the city.

Both chefs with full coverage, coming into the convenience store and whoever it was that arrived first would take 2 cups of instant ramen and make it ready for the other to arrive before waiting by the chairs available.

Tonight it was Ohm.

He entered the convenience store with a nod to the cashier, who was more than aware of who they were but thankfully never said anything, and went straight to the cup noodle isle.

There was a wide range of brands to choose from and every night they tried a different one. The tall chef went ahead and picked 2 cups of a seemingly new type of ramen noodles before going to the hot water station to make the noodles.

Fluke arrived about 2 minutes after he did and Ohm was still waiting for the cup noodles to cook. When they saw each other, both smiled from behind their mask.

"You're early."

"I just got here too." Ohm said, "It's still cooking." He pointed to their cup noodles.

"Oh, I've never seen this type before," Fluke said, looking at the packaging.

"That's why we're here to try it," both chefs smile at each other. Moments like this were their favourite. Just the two of them, no fancy food, no fancy restaurant. Just a simple cup of noodles in a convenience store.

Their relationship wasn't known off. Only people who are really close to them know about it. And the cashier at the convenience store 😉


A/N: Short because am tired.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now