15 November 2021

271 28 8


Kim groans into his book. He's been trying to study for his final exams for the past hour but failing because the room next to his has been blasting some loud metal head music non stop. The fact that the head dorm didn't come and knock some sense into the person rooming beside him was more than a miracle.

Having had enough, he pushed his chair and stood up with a grunt. Taking off his glasses, the tall male turned towards his door and made his way to the room beside him where the music was surely louder outside.

Then he remembers, it was a holiday. Most of the students are either out, or just don't care, that was why this person behind the door with the loud music seemed like he didn't care about any other human being except his own.

But Kim isn't everyone and he for one wants to finish his assignment and the music isn't that helpful.

So with a determined mind, he proceeded to knock on the door of the room.

At first it was just a light knock, one he used his knuckle. But when that resulted in nothing, he changed to using the side of his fist, almost banging the door.

And then the music stopped. He almost smiled in triumph, finally, peace.

Only then the music came back, this time louder. He widened his eyes.

"This little shit." He muttered, and banged on the door again.

"Go away!" It was faint, he could almost miss it amidst the loud music but it was there. The person inside the room had shouted at him to go away.

"Turn off the music!" He shouted back in rage. Now he doesn't even care if some of the people in other rooms had come out because of the commotion.

"No!" The person replied.

Having had enough, he uses the strength he had and breaks the door open. His family's rich enough to pay for a replacement door but his time to study wasn't replaceable.

And as soon as he burst into the room, the sight wasn't something that he expected to see.

There was a massive pile of pillows on the floor and a person lying on top of it, sobbing his heart out.

All his anger flew out of the window the moment his eyes landed on the red teary eyes of the petite male on the mountain of pillows.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked softly, conscious of the other people who were peeking from the broken door.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Why'd you break my door!" Kim widened his eyes at the other's outburst.

The petite male got up from his crouching position and hashly wiped his tears and snots, disgusting, Kim noted to himself. But kind of cute. He shakes his head at those.

"You're the one who's crazy! I told you to turn off that loud obnoxious music!" He shouted back, the pity of the boy crying before no longer there.

"That doesn't mean it was okay for you to break my door, you lunatic shit!"

They continue shouting back and forth, none of them willing to back down. Kim closed his eyes and furrowed his brows, trying to calm himself.

"Look, I can replace your door. So shut the fuck up. Just stop playing your music so loud, there's people trying to study, midget." He said through gritted teeth. He can see that the male was about to throw another shouting fit, probably because he called him a midget but was cut when another voice came from the door.

"Sun? What happened?" Kim turned around and found another male, taller than this midget, looking at the two of them with confusion.

"Choon!" Kim turned back to the owner of the room and nodded at this person by the name of Choon when he nodded at him as a greeting before walking to stand beside the small male.

"What happened to your door?" Choon asked again.

Sun, as Choon mentioned his name was, glared and pointed his fingers at Kim. "Ask him!" He retorted, huffing as if his glare could kill.

Kim rolled his eyes. "I broke it because he was putting on this loud music, I'm trying to study mind you, and when I asked him to turn it off, he refused. So I had to take drastic measures." He said nonchalantly, looking at the newcomer.

Choon nodded his head. "Ai'Sun, I told you many times to put down your music. You're not living alone now. What were you watching that made you cry anyway?"

Sun's glare turned into a pout as he looked at his friend. "Mama Coco."

Kim widened his eyes in realisation. "Are you telling me that you were crying because of a fucking children movie and you put on that god awful music to cover your weeping?!"

"It's not a children's movie! It's a movie for all!" Sun shouted in defense which made Kim hissed but he tried to still stay calm. All the shouting had made him exert more than necessary energy that he would rather use for studying than be in this endless war.

So with a glare he shut the smaller male and once again looked at Choon.

"I apologize for the door, I'll get the RA and inform them to get it fixed right away. In exchange, please look after your pet and tell him to respect others. He's not the only person in this world. Good day." He said with a final bow and left to go back to his room.

Choon gulped and nodded, watching as the person left their sight. When he heard the sound of a door closing, he quickly smacked the back of Sun's head lightly. "You're so stupid!" He hissed at his friend.

"Au— What?!" Sun tsked, he knew he was in the wrong but looking at the face of the person earlier just made him riled up.

"You just got here, so you don't know him. That's Kim, and you do not wanna mess with him." Choon said.

Sun rolled his eyes. "Tsk."

"I'm serious Sun, this was your fault. You need to apologise to him, and for fuck's sake stop putting on loud music."

"I know... I know..." Sun pouted. "But I am not apologizing."

"No, you will!" Choon said in finality. "Tidy your room, the RA's coming." And as soon as he said that, the RA appeared and checked the room. Choon went ahead and explained what happened before the RA went and got the person to get the door fixed.

"Wow, that was fast." Sun said, pertaining to the RA.

"Of course, when the son of the building called them himself, they can't slack off." Choon said as he helped to pick the pillows on the floor, not realising the way Sun's eyes were wide.

"The son?"

Choon stopped and looked at him, nodding his head. "That's Kimhant Kanakul, and you just pissed him off."

Sun's already big eyes doubled in size. He looked at the tote bag which was provided by the school and saw the name 'Kanakul' and smacked his forehead. "Shit."

"Shit indeed." Choon sniggered.


A/N: Characters are taken from the upcoming Love@9 series this is just how made them met. Sun just transferred to the school, that was why he didn't know who Kim is. ✌🏻

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