06 December 2021

273 33 13

"Fluke! Here!" Cooheart shouted and waved his hand around to grab the attention of his childhood friend. Said male smiled brightly and made his way to the male.

"I can't believe you're finally transferring here!" Cooheart exclaimed excitedly as he took a hold of both of the slightly shorter male's hands into his and began jumping around.

Fluke smiled brightly, nodding his head. Me too!

"Come, let me bring you around the school," Cooheart added as he began walking, hand still around the smaller male. As he said, he began showing around the school to his childhood friend. Fluke was glad that they'll be sharing a class, it will be easier for him.

Once they were done, Cooheart brought him to the cafeteria.

"Fluke, here, let me introduce you to my friend, this is P'Kao, P'Boun, Prem and this sleepyhead here," He lightly hit the male who was sleeping on his arms which was resting on the table, "—is Ohm," "Ouch! Oi P'Earth!"

"Guys, this is my best friend, Fluke. He's just transferred today." Cooheart announced it to his group of friends.

A chorus of, "Hello Fluke." "Hi, Fluke." "Hello," was heard from the four male.

Fluke smiled and wai to everybody. Hello, everyone.

— — —

It's been more than 2 months since Fluke transferred to the school and almost everyone of his batchmate knows about his disability. He wasn't expecting people to be as nice as they were, because it was a whole different thing when he was in his previous school.

The main reason why his parents decided to transfer him in the first place. People in their previous town weren't as nice. Once they found out that he's a mute, they would slowly turn and leave, but not before making a comment about it.

But here, they merely acknowledge and act as normal as they can. Sure, not all is like that, there's still some rotten apple here and there but nothing that Fluke wasn't used too. Plus here, he has Cooheart, and P'Kao, P'Boun, Prem and Ohm.

It was recess and Fluke was the last one out of the class since Cooheart was actually absent for that day. However, once he was out of the class, he saw a tall figure leaning against the wall in front of the class. Hesitantly, he walked over to the male.

"Oh, you're out. Let's go to the cafeteria." the male said with a smile.

Why are you here? Fluke asked.

"P'Earth said that he's not coming today and told me to take care of you." He replied with a smile. Fluke pouted.

I can take care of myself. You don't have to trouble yourself Ohm.

"I don't mind Fluke. In fact, I'm thinking of coming to pick you up everyday." The younger male said with a wink which made the smaller to blush.

Sure, the other of Cooheart's friend has become close and is becoming a friend to him too. But Ohm was a little different. Fluke knew he was not perfect, he wasn't expecting for anybody to show any interest in himself so he always avoided showing interest in anybody, never expecting anything but Ohm proved him wrong.

At first he was a little weirded out on why Ohm was showing interest in him, why me? He once asked Cooheart when his best friend told him that "Ohm totally likes you!"

"Duh! Because you're cute! And he's not blind. Plus you're kind, and loveable, and adorable. Of course he'll fall for you." Cooheart added.

Fluke had blushed but the butterfly in his stomach kept fluttering, making him smile. But Cooheart, I'm... me.

Cooheart let out a sigh and patted his head softly. "Fluke, you're perfect. I don't want to hear any of that nonsense anymore."

Thank you Ohm. He sighed. Ohm smiled and nodded.

When they reached the cafeteria, Ohm told him to go and sit with the others who were already seated and while he went to get their food. Fluke nodded and walked towards Prem who was already waving for him.

"Sit here Fluke," the younger said, patting on the empty spot beside him. Fluke nodded. "Ohm went and got you food?" He asked.

Again, Fluke nodded.

"Meh~ So sweet!" Prem teased followed by cooing from the two older male. Fluke bit his lower lips and blushed, hiding his face on the palm of his hands.

When Ohm came, the teasing instantly stopped but the blushed on the smaller male's face was still there.

"What happened? Why is Fluke so red? What did you guys do?" Ohm asked as he put down the tray of food in front of the still blushing male and took the empty seat beside him.

So it was him, Fluke, Prem, while Kao and Boun are across the three of them.

"Nothing!" Prem answered, quickly shoving the break pudding to his mouth. Boun and Kao chuckled.

"Did they say anything?" Now the taller one turned to Fluke and asked him instead.

No, it was nothing. Fluke answered, smiling a bit. Ohm doesn't look convinced but decides to let it go.

— — —

Even though he couldn't express anything through his voice, Fluke has a talent to show his expressions and that was through drawing.

He was a gifted artist. His simple doodle was always so detailed and accurate. So when he needs to unwind, or simply to let out emotions he'll go and find someplace and just draw.

"What are you doing here?" Fluke turned from the drawing block in his hand to look at the male standing on his right. With a smile, he showed the male his drawing block.

"I went to your house earlier, but your mom said you were out." The male added, taking a seat beside him on the grass.

Why were you looking for me?

Ohm shrugged and smiled at the smaller male before resting his chin on Fluke's shoulder. "Can I see?" He asked, pointing at the drawing block.

Fluke smiled, nodding his head as he passed the drawing block to the younger male.

He began looking at all the drawings and stopped at one drawing at the last page. Fluke noticed what he was looking at and bit his lower lips.

"I like this one the best." Ohm commented.

Fluke blushed. Idiot. It was a drawing of Ohm that he drew a few weeks back when the two of them were in the exact same location.

"What can I say, I look handsome here," he said, smiling giddily which made Fluke to roll his eyes. "But you're missing something," he added before taking the pencil and turning himself so Fluke couldn't see what he was doing.

Fluke tilted his head in confusion. Did he miss something in the drawing? Couldn't be, he spent some time perfecting the features.

When Ohm turned back to him and handed the now closed drawing block, Fluke squinted his eyes at the taller male. Ohm chuckled. "Don't worry, I didn't ruin it."

Fluke didn't believe it, but still opened the drawing block to the last page before noticing what it was that Ohm added. With a blush, he looked at the taller and took the pencil from him before scribbling something under the one that Ohm just did.

Ohm peeked from his shoulder and smiled, seeing what Fluke just wrote.

"Can I hold you, Fluke?" He asked, voice suddenly so low it sent butterflies to Fluke's tummy. The older one nodded.

And slowly, Ohm wraps his arms around Fluke's small waist and pulls him closer before resting his chin again on Fluke's shoulder.

"Thank you for loving me Fluke." He whispered. Fluke turned his head, smiling and bumping his forehead lightly to the younger. He didn't have to say anything, but Ohm understood what he wanted to say.

"Thank you for loving me too."


A/N: I'm a sap. A bad one. Am sorry.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now