06 August 2021

571 33 12

DeanPharm. Rated!

Their 7th anniversary is coming and Pharm has been wrecking his head on what to give to Dean. After so many years together, they've given each other presents all the time and whenever it was their anniversary or birthdays, they would try to top the previous gifts.

And now that they're already in their 7th year, Pharm was running out of ideas.

The first present is already on the way, he's currently baking Dena's favourite cake and like he always does, in the morning of their anniversary, he will prepare them a breakfast in bed which he knows Dean loves.

But other than that, he will always prepare another present.

And that's where he's stumped. He doesn't have any idea on what to give.

Asking from Team and Manaow is also out of the question because they apparently has been corrupted and all they'll tell him was to seduce Dean, in which he had already did on their 3th anniversary and it was like the beast inside Dean came out since he can barely move for 3 whole days!

And he wanted to move, thank you very much, so seducing is not the option. Maybe for later.

He couldn't help but to blush. "Pharm, you're becoming dirty like Team and Manaow too."

After the cake was safely baked inside the oven, he went to his laptop and searched for a suitable anniversary gift.

About 30 minutes later, he smiled and closed the laptop, a clear idea in his head. "Guess I'm going to go out to buy stuff later."

Thankfully Dean was at work like he usually is so everything was going smoothly on Pharm's side. Finally, he wasn't a wreck as he thought he was anymore.

— — —

"Happy anniversary P'Dean." It was the morning of their anniversary and like always, Pharm woke up extra early and made them breakfast in bed. Today was a special Thai traditional cuisine and the bright smile on Dean's face as soon as he smelled the food was more than enough to make Pharm happy.

"Happy anniversary my good boy." Dean replied, pulling the smaller closer and pecking on his lips softly. Pharm blushed, he doesn't know but he'll probably never be used to Dean kissing him, he still blushes like a school kid.

Dean chuckled, loving the pink tint on Pharm's face.

After their breakfast, the lovers got ready and got their day started. It was a weekday but Dean had already got the day off, he's always got early permission for a day off on special days, his birthday, Pharm's birthday and their anniversary.

Like what they usually do, they'll go out a little before lunch time and find a new restaurant to have their date and spend the rest of the afternoon just walking around and being in love.

Come evening and they'll go back home to get the necessary stuff for dinner and Dean will drive them to Korn and Intouch's apartment and they will spend their dinner and the rest of the evening there. Even though Korn and Intouch never appear in them anymore, they still will cherish the two of them.

"P'Dean, here." Pharm said once they were settled on the couch. He handed the taller one an envelope that was pretty thick.

Dean eyed the envelope. "Are you giving me money?" He asked teasingly.

"N-No. Open them, it's your present." Pharm replied, biting on his lower lips.

Dean chuckled, accepting the envelope and caressing the beautiful handwriting that was Pharm on the front that wrote "Happy Anniversary P'Dean❤️"

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