08 September 2021

346 31 4

"Coo! I'm leaving!" Fluke said in haste as he grabbed his raincoat, keys and wallet while stuffing himself with an egg sandwich prepared by his housemate.

"Okay. Be careful Fluke, it's raining quite hard. Bring your coat!" His housemate, Cooheart, shouted from the kitchen.

"I have it! Bye!" And he was gone.

It was only 9 in a Saturday morning, and Fluke was already out of the house to go to the mall. The bookstore in the mall specifically.

He just finished reading the first installment of the Harry Potter book and he's out to go and get the second one. Yes, he didn't buy the whole book together. He's only a student living in a $450 house which he shares with his housemate, so money is a bit tight. But he still wants to have a little fun, by buying something that he would enjoy.

And that is books.

You may wonder why he only started reading the Harry Potter book, well, he just does. Or there may or not be because a certain someone recommended for him to read. Who knows. 

He loves reading. Nothing brings him more joy than reading books. Sure, people nowadays would rather read eBooks and audiobooks, because they are inarguably cheaper. But that little money he had kept aside that's not used for rent, groceries and school was what he used to buy these books.

And if you know Fluke, you know how he treasures his books. He didn't have a big bookshelf, like mentioned, he didn't have the luxury for that, but all his books are kept neatly and safely inside a trunk which he brought from his hometown, Lamphun.

He's a known book nerd and he was proud of it.

"Right, here we are." he muttered to himself once he set foot inside the just open mall. It was still early, some shops hadn't even opened yet but he knew his frequented bookstore was already open.

He entered and quickly made his way to the fiction aisle. An all too familiar aisle for him.

"There it is!" Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

A few steps later he was in front of the one and only copy of the book and was about to take the book when an unknown finger touched his own, or the book?


"Oh. I'm sorry."

Fluke turned to look at the person who was going to take the book and let out a gasp. "P'Ohm?"


Both male let out a chuckle. "Hello Nong."

"H-Hi, P'Ohm."

P'Ohm, or Ohm is Fluke's senior and the certain someone who recommended him to read Harry Potter. "You're here to get the book?" Ohm asked.

Fluke nodded, biting his lower lips. He was pretty persistent on reading the book before, but here he was, running to the mall to get the second book.

"B-But it's okay, you can get that one." He said, taking the book and passing it to the taller male. "I'll just ask if they have another copy." Just as he said that, there was a sales assistant passing by them and Fluke called for her.

"Excuse me, do you have another copy of this book?" He asked, pointing towards the book in Ohm's hand who helped to show the book.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. That was our last one. And the next stock won't be coming until another month." The girl replied, apologetically before leaving.

Fluke pouted. Guess I won't be able to read it for another month.

"It's okay Nong, come." Ohm said, taking the smaller male's right hand into his and walking towards the counter. Fluke widened his eyes as he looked at their hands, brain going haywire.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now