17 August 2021

373 28 20

Fluke was drunk.

They've just finished their last paper and after 3 years of hard work with their studies, of course they all decided to go out and party.

He wasn't a drinker, but because of all the all nighters, tears and pain that he had to go through to get his Masters' Degree, he thought, what's the worst that could happen, right?

But it was half past 1 in the morning and he and his housemate, just as wasted as he is, are both at a shady tattoo parlor and were singing a random song, completely killing it.

Their other friends left to continue the party somewhere else but because Prem has been wanting to get himself a tattoo, but he was too much of a scaredy cat to get it when he was sober and thought this was a perfect moment to get it.

Fluke, being the good friend that he was, of course volunteered to give encouragement to his housemate. "You can do this Prem!" He sluggishly said to his friend who was just called to enter the room to get his tattoo made.

After 30 minutes of them picking the perfect tattoo, Prem decided to get it on the side of his hips with just a simple drawing of his puppy that he poorly drawn but of course after he showed the tattoo artist a picture of his pup, the male draw it much better than him and off he goes to get it done.

Fluke looked around the dark tattoo shop, stumbling on his feet. He's always been a clumsy person and now that he's drunk as a person can be, the clumsiness doubles.

"Wow, careful there." Luckily, someone was fast enough to come to his rescue before he dropped to the floor.

Fluke struggled to get back into his feet, so he just gave up and let his body rest on the other person. He lifted his head and was met with the most beautiful face he's ever seen in his life.


The person held him tight on his waist and looked at him, his brows furrowed. "You okay there?"

"You're so pretty. What's your name handsome?" Fluke asked, giggling.

Ohm, who noticed that the man in his arms was clearly drunk, smiled. It wasn't his first time that a drunk customer came to his tattoo shop. It almost seemed like it was an everyday occurrence.

"Let's get you to sit down." He said, pulling the male, who was thankfully small and light weight because he wasn't helping Ohm at all in moving himself.

"No~ You're comfy enough!" The male said, stomping and wrapping his arms around the tattoo artist.

Ohm widened his eyes.

This was the first time someone had acted the way the small, cute, male did to him. He was quite flustered to be honest. "W-What?"

"What's your name??" Fluke repeated.


"Tell me~" Fluke was being persistent whilst pouting his lips. Nobody can win against those and Ohm wasn't an exception. One look at the other's eyes and he was muttering his name.

"I'm Ohm." He said which made the smaller male to smile brightly and almost blinded the taller male. "Great! You're a tattoo artist too, aren't you?" Ohm nodded.

"Fantastic! Let's go! I'm going to get my first tattoo and you're helping me!" He exclaimed excitedly, suddenly standing on his own two feet and dragging the taller male by his hand towards one of the rooms.

"W-What? Hold on a second." Ohm tried to pull his hand from the other but despite him being a lot smaller than Ohm, his grip was undoubtedly strong.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now