Chapter 14: The Chapel

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The wedding was short and quite... Helena's heart was broken that her parents were not there... nor any of her friends and family... she was alone with this cold scary man... there was no party after the church... there was no big dinner at home... there was no music or dancing to celebrate. She kept pushing away her thoughts and only promised herself to concentrate on the money she will take to pay her father's freedom in few months, then it's worth it, however hard and scary it is.

She kept her promise and went up to Mrs. Donavan when she put on her wedding dress and looked so angelic she told her. She was shaking when walking the aisle alone thanking Mr Isaac who offered to walk her but she felt she would be betraying her father... she didn't let him.

Dalton didn't appreciate it but she didn't care... he felt her shaking as she stood beside him at the alter and saw a tear escaping her eye with her "i do"... when it was time to raise the vail and kiss her; she avoided his gaze and let him kiss her forehead.
They went back to the palace and were so silent in the carriage... so silent... each of them having huge and heavy pain in their hearts.
When they arrived home, he helped her to get down from the carriage without a kiss or a hug. He left her standing and started heading inside the palace alone. She walked slowly unable even to decide where she goes now... should she follow him? However, he didn't even wait up.
She saw him standing with a gentleman, who was introduced to her as his lawyer, Mr Johnson who was supposed to give her the money; but instead when they were alone, he told her that he would keep the money for her
Helena was furious: i don't understand... we agreed i have my money once marriage is done.
Mr Johnson the lawyer: and Mr Donavan already gave me the full amount; it's only wise that i have it for you till it's needed
Helena: that's not what was agreed, and no, i will have it now... I'll keep it as i need to make important payments.
Mr Johnson: I'm afraid this is not an option Mrs. Donavan... Actually, your eagerness to get the money only proves that you are up to something not in the best interest of my client. It's agreed that you will have the agreement signed from both sides and the amount is stated to guarantee your right.
Helena was so shocked: but he didn't say anything about an agreement?
Mr Johnson: it's my idea... you will be held in this marriage as long as you do not disgrace your husband whether by actions done before or after marriage... is that clear.. Any actions will undo the marriage.
Helena was speechless of surprise when he continued: did you think you would fool us pretending to be so innocent? I can see you fooled Mrs. Smith, but this won't apply to my client or me.
Helena looked solid: i will be making visits every two weeks to my parents and will need five pounds every time, how will i get this?
Mr Johnson: you will get only four pounds every month and i will get it to you personally.
Helena was so sad: there's a big payment of a debt that needs to be paid in maximum four months... how will i get this?
Mr Johnson coldly: we can discuss this later... here is your first four pounds.
Dalton came to see them: Have you paid her Mr Johnson?
Mr Johnson looked so confused and quickly said: yes, Mr Donavan all is in order & we have the contract signed.
Dalton didn't understand the angry look on Helena's face, as she asked him: have you made all these arrangements to humiliate me Dalton?
Mr Johnson quickly answered: the agreement is a must Mr Donavan, and if you have nothing shameful before or after this marriage then you have nothing to be worried about, Mrs. Donavan.
Dalton felt sorry for the terrible look at her eyes: Mr Johnson that will be all if you please
When they were alone, he wanted to comfort her: Helena, we are a man and wife now... can we try to act like one.
Helena: how can a man humiliate his wife that much Dalton... you are breaking me to pieces?
Dalton tried to reason with her: let's forget about the contract and put it behind us
He approached her looking at her stubborn eyes as she threw couple of tears with her index away from her frozen face and held her head high... Dalton touched her cheek, but wasn't able to comfort her, when she looked away and left the room.
She climbed up the stairs and went to the purple room... she was trying to figure out how can anything happen between them as normal married people. They both couldn't even have a simple normal kiss the day before, and she didn't feel anything. She actually felt angry at him, and now with the money not being given to her, she felt angrier.

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