Chapter 57: Truth Revealed

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Dalton felt her disappointment: Mr. & Mrs. Bentley, maybe you are right... I still need to know more and more about Helena... but for now I know I love certain things about her...

His eyes were looking at the three eyes sets that were now gazing at him in silence.
Dalton continued: I love that she's so pretty but she doesn't know it or act based on her beauty... she's stubborn but fair... she'd speak her mind and would never be intimidated.. She loves nature and hates phony people... she's incredibly clever but would never look down at simple minded people... she's proud but not arrogant... she's sweet and tender but can be fierce if she had to.. She thinks as a man while she's soft as a butterfly... she's amazing with children and was amazing with my mother who hadn't opened up to anyone since my father passed away... she had this unbelievable soft power to shake me up to get over my own pains and to make me see the people around me for what they are after I was losing faith and trust in people on a whole!

He was silent for a moment while the three of them including Amanda and Butler Garret were stunned.

He took her hand and kissed it: I love her in a way that I never thought I was able to... I couldn't live another day without her... I'd have her defining and challenging me day long rather not having her near me.

Her mother's eyes softened while her father's voice was a little calmer: why did you let her go? Why she came without you?
Dalton admitted: I was too proud to tell her how much I needed her... blinded by my own ego and prejudice... I know it's not probably a smart answer to tell you, but it's the truth.

Helena's heart couldn't believe his words as if she was in the sweetest dream.

Mrs. Bentley: you say you are from the Donavan family? What's your relation to Mrs. Emilia Donavan?
Helena was surprised: how do you know her, Mama?
Dalton: she's my mother

Mr & Mrs. Bentley eyes widened up, then Mrs. Bentley asked: how's her health now? We know she's been poorly since a long time now.
Dalton: true, Mom never left the palace since my father passed away.
Mr Bentley: but the son who died?
Dalton's face was so sad instantly: my older brother David... my father followed out of sadness on him, then my Mom lost herself on the two of them.
Mrs. Bentley: we were very fond of them... we used to meet in the opera nights

Helena smiled in disbelief: you used to know Dalton's family? Is that why your mother asked me about my family name when i first met her?
Dalton sadly remember that & silently also remembered that he dismissed it, assuming it's another family.

Her father still looked suspicious: you have been living in the palace Nana? Have you met her?
Dalton smiled at the skeptic father: Helena was so sweet that she would go sit with my Mom every day in her wing... she was becoming much better.. She misses you Helena, also Mrs. Smith & Auntie Victoria.
Helena: she a real sweet lady... but I never knew about her pain... I'm sorry for her... for you too Dalton.
Mr Bentley still needed to know more: and what about the wives... why is my Nana your third and what happened to the other two? You did marry Nana with a church ceremony and approval?
Helena: yes Papa, of course we married in the county's Chapel.
Mrs. Bentley noticed that the helpers were still standing: thank you Amanda & Garrett.
They understood and left quietly while Amanda was smiling fondly at Helena. Helena was always beautiful to Amanda who was her age and has always been treating her like a friend.

Dalton breathed heavily while pain was so obvious on his face: I see your worries Mr Bentley... our marriage is church approved. Mary my first wife died after ten months of our marriage while giving birth to my baby boy who died three days after her... This broke me to pieces. Two years after, and under the pressure of my mother, I married my second wife Suzan, she managed to deceive every single person in my circle, including playing with our feelings on the tips of her fingers while steeling from me and my family's jewelry then she set off with a lover I never knew or suspected of its existence.

Dalton breathed heavily at remembering all his painful memories and feelings... they all sat frozen while Helena only managed to put his hand between her both hands.

Dalton continued: it took me three years to prove her adultery and get myself a church divorce.
Mr Bentley cleared his voice: I'm so sorry for your pain and harsh luck... it's very painful and tragic indeed.

Mrs. Bentley: I feel sorry that you had to tell us about all this, bringing back hard painful memories... can I offer you a whiskey Mr Donavan?

Dalton smiled softly at her: thank you so much for your kindness... I'd appreciate it, please call me Dalton.
Mr Bentley snapped: but I still need to know....
Mrs. Bentley touched her husband's hand interrupting him: darling, we spoke enough for tonight... we didn't show Dalton any hospitality... please, let's move to the drawing room... I will play piano for you.
Helena smiled: Dalton plays beautifully Mama
Mrs. Bentley took Dalton's arm and led him to the drawing room: come Dalton... Helena and her Papa will have to talk alone.
Helena hugged her father: please Papa, give him a chance... he deserves it
Mr Bentley: I truly feel sorry for him... but why does my daughter have to be with a person who's been married twice before... every time something happens he will pass it through all his previous sad experience and might hurt you in the process Nana... I don't want to see this happening to you.
Helena was confused at how true her father was: it's so true Papa... but we have already been through it, and only now we are starting off right... I love him.
Mr Bentley: it was the first time he said he loved you today, isn't it? I saw it on your face.
Helena nodded and looked down
Her father touched her hair: but I also saw it in his eyes Nana, at last... he is falling for you my child... I'm so puzzled... I wish I never fell into this debt in the first place.
Helena: please Papa stop feeling this way... what's done is done... plus i was praying all the time & i now have a feeling that all this happened for us to find each other... when you think about it.. We would have never met otherwise... I only ask you to give him a chance.

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