Chapter 47: The Letter

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Things changed and Helena pulled herself together when a letter came from the city, Maria gave it to her when she opened it with trembling fingers
Dearest Nana,
I hope that you are very well and that those hard days will end and God would give us a miracle to undo all the harm done to the beloved three of you.
I wish that the news i have were good but it is extremely alarming, as Judge Black secretly informed Judge Floyd his friend, that he will get the county's prison to move Mr Bentley to a more restricted prison and that even if the debt is settled they will not release him.
I am very sorry Nana for this and i will always remain in your disposal if i can be of any assistance... please tell me what to do..

Helena went to Dalton asking him if he can spare a horseman to take an urgent letter to Auntie Victoria and return with an answer.
Dalton looked very curiously at her. He stood leaving his desk: what's the matter and why are you pale as if you saw a ghost?
Helena was angry and desperate: it's an urgent matter concerning one of my family's tragedies as you like naming them... and Auntie Victoria is the only one to help.
Dalton looked angry & burst at her: the last thing i can tolerate now is your stupid mocking... it's enough I've been trying to deal with your freezing cold feelings since the cottage!
Helena's burnt nerves made her scream: fine Dalton... i will take a horse and go
Dalton grabbed her arm: have you lost your mind? What's happening, it's the first time ever i see you being totally irrational? Does that have to do with the letter you received this morning?
Helena's tears went down as she tried to control herself: yes, my father is in danger Dalton... can you at least listen to me
Dalton felt sorry for her and melted: no need sweetheart; a horseman will move immediately
He called Mr Smith who happened to be at the Palace & explained to him what to do, when Helena joined them and insisted that the horseman should wait for answer.

When they stood watching the horseman leave with the closed letter, Helena was so lost in every possibility that might happen now.
Dalton hugged her and kissed her hair: anything i can do to make you feel better?
Helena slipped of his arms and just left him, unable to stand so close to him when her heart was bursting with his love.
She went to Maria and asked her to send for the lawyer and ask him to get her the full remaining amount immediately.

She went to her room and threw herself in bed trying to control the terrible panic attack that again completely took over her, if they plan to move her father to a more restricted prison, it just confirms the bad intentions Judge Black is still planning for them.
When Dalton came to the room, he was taken at her heavy breathing and her white frozen body.
Dalton took her hand: open your eyes... please sweetheart open your eyes and breath

His heart was melting over her when he kept talking to her till she opened her eyes and started short breathing, he moved her to sit and hugged her kissing her head and hair.
He wished he could breath for her if that was at all possible... her tearing eyes were full of so much sadness... his warm kissing and whispering made her want to scream how much she loved him and how much she needed him now more than ever.. But she couldn't.
She spoke with a weak voice telling him that she would go wash her face, but he held her asking her to stay few more minutes in his arms; she kept asking herself why he would do that if he doesn't love her... it must be out of duty. She couldn't stay in his arms on these bases.
She slipped off and stood to wash her face when Maria came to tell her that Mr Johnson was there to see her.
Dalton: why did you send for him?
Helena: for God's sake Dalton, not today... i cannot have any of that today... it's enough that you had me dealing with this hateful man
Dalton looked at her puzzled: I? I had you dealing with him? In what way??
Helena looked so angry but left him standing in the middle of the bedroom trying to find the connection when she went to the drawing room to meet the lawyer.

The lawyer was as hateful as always and told her that he cannot give her the remaining amount in one payment and that remaining payments will be done as usual on small amounts for as long as it takes until the full amount is covered.
What the lawyer didn't know that this time Helena was not the same sweet polite enduring person.
Helena was different this time... She had no patience or ability to be tactful about it...
She burst screaming at the Lawyer, telling him he was a hateful person who only found happiness in other's pain and if she managed to try to bear with it during all the previous months it was impossible for her this time to accept this kind of treatment..

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