Chapter 36: Fishing

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It was the last day before they went back and it was already obvious in her eyes that started to look lost.
She stood in the kitchen preparing breakfast... Dalton smiled as he wrapped his arms around her: are you losing the crazy face already Lena? Do you want to stay couple of more days?
Helena rolled facing him: can we? Please Dalton... I know you must miss Angelica and your mother but can we??
Dalton looked a little sad: you know that we will need to go back no matter how much we stay... right?
Her face was put off: yes... I'm sorry... I spoke too fast and without... you're right, it doesn't make sense!
Dalton looked serious: I guess you give me no other option... (He paused for long) but to be as crazy as you are, and we stay here more time...
She put her hand on her mouth so she won't scream and then wrapped his neck with her arms while he lifted her up giggling: I knew this would make you happy again Lena!
Helena laughed and softly put her hand on his cheek: thank you.
Dalton smiled as she handled him his coffee trying to contain her happiness: will you fish for me today? You have been promising me but managed to escape so far
Dalton: I can do that but you have to come and fish with me... stand in the cold water with these small feet of yours and we see who gets more fish! I'll teach you!
She giggled and challenged him that she'll have beginners' luck & will have more fish!

After breakfast, they went to the spring and stood in the cold water, which was reaching above their knees and started throwing fishing lines as he was laughing at her not able to balance in the cold water and would scream every time a fish comes near her line...
By midday, he caught two big fish while she was still trying to catch anything...
He went and lifted her up: admit that you lost... I already have two fish while you stood here screaming like a four year old!
Helena was giggling: Never! I still get to fish and I will catch at least three bigger fishes and beat you!
Dalton was laughing so much when he went and carried her: if you don't give up, I will throw you in the cold water!
Helena laughed hard and clinched her arms harder around his neck: no no please... if you love me at all, don't throw me...
Her words made him freeze suddenly as he started putting her down: no Helena... I don't love you, not at all.
Helena felt as if a knife went into her heart: I didn't mean it that way... it was...
Dalton was suddenly so angry: enough Helena please... I would like to go home now... get ready.

She walked slowly to the cottage feeling sad and totally disappointed.
They closed everything up and gathered their things in silence from the cottage.
The ride home was also in silence, she couldn't stop blaming herself for being so relaxed that she lost her guard for a split second and spoiled what seemed like a beautiful dream.
She then confronted herself and decided he was at least honest to her and himself.

When they arrived, he looked at her to help her down; but she dismounted the horse and headed to her room... for some reason she cried her heart out in her pillow so her voice won't be heard.
She showered and changed her clothes when Angelica ran into the room with Dalton behind her, he looked so angry the minute he saw her red eyes and buffed face from crying.
Angelica run to her wrapping her neck while Helena hugged and lifted her up: mama... mama, I missed you... you take me next time to play with you at the cottage, papa said...
Helena kissed her head: missed you too sweet Angie... have you been good? I asked Adele to read in our book... did you do that?
Adele came behind her while Dalton stood cross-armed leaning to the door...
Adele: Mrs. Helena, we all missed you so much.
Helena smiled at Adele: me too Adele, have you had good readings with little Angie?
Adele looked worried: yes Ma'am... but are you fine? You look sick!
Helena realized that her crying must show on her face: oh, don't worry about it... I might be starting a flu... why don't you go with Angie and I will rest a little and try to come see her later?

When they left, Dalton went into the room and closed the door... Helena's face froze as she stood by the window looking far.
Dalton: how long have you been crying?
Helena: not long enough for letting my guard down... and just for you to know, as much as I know you don't love me I certainly don't love you... it was supposed to be a joke .. A mere stupid joke.
Dalton was hurt, but didn't lose his cold voice: perfect... we agree then... why stupidly cry your heart out, then?
Helena looked angry: because you took advantage of it to hurt me.
Dalton snapped at her: you are not stupid Helena, so don't act like one... Would it better for you that I lie or I just let it go so it starts playing in your head?
Helena: oh please... don't try to make it sound as if it was a merciful kill... it was insensitive, cold... and very much your normal self, Dalton... why on earth am i even surprised?

She left him standing unable to speak when she passed by him taking off to the garden... trying to breath and control her hot tears and the pain she felt knowing that she will never see the Dalton of the cottage again.

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