The Last Chapter-60: The Bentley's visit

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The rest of the week went by perfectly, while Helena made all the arrangements needed with her father and the lawyer for the partners to come and sign all needed papers.

Dalton offered that he pays their share rather than they sell anything, but Mr Bentley refused politely and thanked him.

They finally were ready to go to the Palace, the trip was long but the parents were so happy to reach and see the place.
For them it wasn't the state or the money. They needed to see that their precious daughter is being loved and churched in spite of how she and Dalton started off.

In the past few days; Dalton won their hearts and they touched his good heart and his true love and appreciation to their daughter.

They all went to the wing of Dalton's mother Emilia; who was really happy to see them.

Mrs. Bentley gave her a box that was wrapped well & asked her to open it.
Emilia's eyes widened with happiness as she saw the apple pies she used to love eating whenever they went to town, she & her late husband: oh Eleanor, i cannot believe that you still remember how much i loved these.

Little angelica came running into the room with her normal noise: Mama, Papa, i missed you!
Mr Bentley: so that's our beautiful grandchild... Mama tells me you are so clever and love reading?
Mrs. Bentley: come cutie... can grandma have a kiss? You know that Grandpa & i brought you presents? Do you want to see them??
Dalton and his mother were taken on how sweet the Bentleys treated little Angie, their compassion was shown on their faces.

Dalton: Mr Bentley, i wanted to be with my Mother when i make my request
He continued as he held Helena's hand: will you & Mrs. Bentley please accept my apology for not having your consent previously? ... Will you now please agree and approve to our marriage? It will mean so much to me.

Mr Bentley was trying to remove the surprise from his face: yes my son, i approve... seeing how you both love each other... i give you my consent & blessings.
Mrs. Donavan with tears of happiness in her eyes: they came a long way... i saw how difficult their way was... i saw their love start out of nothing and grow every single day... your daughter is a true angel, but she's also his match.

Mr Bentley knew he will be hitting on a raw nerve, but had to say it: well Angelica, i hope that Papa and Nana would soon bring us all a grandchild or two? Do you want a brother or sister, little one??
Angelica laughing: boy and girl.
Dalton face was saddened and in pain: i cannot do that... please try to understand that i can never do that to Helena.

Helena was trying to understand when Emilia begged her son: please Dalton, you cannot live with this load on your shoulders, not every women dies when giving birth.

Mr Bentley was trying to ease the trouble that showed on Dalton's face: you did promise me Dalton that you won't make your previous pain control your & Nana's life.

Dalton looked confused as he felt being cornered, his eyes were turning to Helena: she's too precious... i cannot risk it.

Helena felt sorry for him: i don't want to push it but you cannot protect me if my time comes for any reason Dalton, not only for giving birth for a child from you...
He looked so scared, went and held her so close talking in her ears: i could never live without you... those weeks we were apart i was dying everyday... can we please at least wait for couple of years?

Helena smiled and nodded: i will respect your wish Dalton, but i want you to promise me that even if anything happens to me you will always find your strength and move on.
Dalton was so sad at her words and at the thought of anything happening to her.

Her mother wanted to rescue him: oh you all, stop annoying my son-in-law; I'm becoming so fond of him. He will be ready to discuss this when he is more ready, not necessarily now.

Dalton smiled: thank you... i appreciate your understanding... honestly, i guess you are all right... i promise i will think about it again for Helena's sake... now i have a request to make from you all, Helena included.

They looked at him as he was holding Helena's hand: i would love that we have a wedding reception in the palace... a real wedding party... where we have the two families attending... she will be dressed in white Mrs. Donavan.. We will have Father Timothy re-blessing our marriage while you walk her an aisle Mr Donavan... and you mother get to gather the whole family again like the old days in this palace.

Helena was so surprised while her parents were extremely happy, but they noticed Emilia's lost eyes.
Mrs. Bentley: we cannot agree to this Emilia if you are not comfortable with it... in all cases Dalton, you can't imagine how happy you made my heart, I'm flying with happiness at the thought and consideration of this from you dear! I cannot put it into words.
Mr Bentley: absolutely Dalton, your consideration of this and wanting to give us this gift takes you immediately to a higher place in the way i see you... I've just won a son!

Emilia smiled: I'm so proud of you Dalton... your father would have been also proud of the man you became.

Dalton's eyes shinned at his mother's words, when she continued: honestly, that's not an easy thing for me after all these years trapped in this room, but how can i stop happiness from flowing again into this aging palace... i too want to see you both as a Bride and Groom.. This time we make it right.

It was a beautiful sunny day when the two families and their circle of friends were gathered in the huge garden of the Palace while Mr & Mrs. Smith were running all around organizing and arranging all details of the big day..

Jimmy & Jackson were the first to arrive to help with whatever possible after becoming real good and close friends with Dalton and his cousin Gordon.

An arch of wide green leaves& white flowers was centering the garden, with chairs placed facing the arch to the left and the right.

Under the arch, Father Timothy was standing next to dashing handsome Dalton, who was looking at little Angelica throwing flower petals on the aisle; followed by Helena and Mr Donavan who was proudly walking his daughter to her husband, Dalton who was looking at her as if she was his sun and moon.

The two mothers & Aunt Victoria were standing in the first raw leaning on each other feeling that their feet aren't touch the ground as if they will fly out of happiness.

Emilia was secretly praying and only thanking God for the miracle of love that found its way back to this palace with the promise of happier days.

The END ♥️

The Merchant's Daughter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora