Chapter 19: The Painful Truth

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In the evening just before dinner time; Dalton went to his room and changed his office outfit and knocked at Helena who was furious feeling trapped in the room since morning
Dalton: how are you doing?
Helena looked angry: fine
Dalton: doesn't look like fine... what's wrong?
Helena: don't want to tell you, last night I told you I was scared and we know how you dealt with it... can we eat in silence please.
Dalton was getting angry at her sharp remarks: I usually ask the question once... then I don't... ever again!
Helena stayed silent not caring for his threats.
Dalton hoped she was less stubborn: fine... let's eat... you must be hungry
Helena burst annoyed trying to control her tears: did you tell Mrs. Smith you think little of me accepting to marry you this way specially when i was still a.. a virgin??
Dalton was shocked at her directness: are you angry from me or from Mrs. Smith.
When Helena narrowed her eyes in anger at him, her tears fell freely on her cheeks...
He approached her and raised his hand to wipe her tears: my exact words to her was I wish she didn't sell herself in marriage
Helena felt more insulted: then equally, I wish you didn't have to pay a woman to be your wife.
He froze at her words and took couple of steps backwards in disbelief: you think being rude will not have consequences? I only stated the truth
Helena: I can hurt you equally and say I've said the truth as well... but I know for a fact that you have your strong reasons as much as I have my extremely strong reasons.

At this point, she was sobbing while trying to continue: except that I, out of respect didn't come and tried to put it in your face and use it against you as you did.
Dalton looked calmer at her and her logic, she was right... and now she's so broken and sad... a part of his heart felt sorry for her.
Dalton: Helena, as i said, we are now a man and wife... I have no wish to open this subject ever again and I had no intention that you feel insulted at any point.

Helena watched him choosing his words very carefully but not apologizing... She stood at the window trying to calm herself down... He approached till he was just behind her: I will let you rest, will ask them to bring your dinner here... good night.
Helena was still angry: I don't want to eat or sleep... I need to go for a walk and you said I couldn't leave the room.
Dalton smiled when she cannot see him but spoke plainly: come I will take you for a walk.
Helena turned: why cannot I go alone... I don't want to be with you.
Dalton breathed in trying to stay calm with this little shrew: we go together or you stay trapped here?
Helena walked feeling defeated and stopped at the door, he held her from her back and spoke softly in her ears: wipe your tears... you cannot be seen crying.
She trembled at his arms circling her waist and at his deep voice in her ears,... she nodded.
He felt her body getting numb inside him... he turned her and looked deeply in her eyes taking her lips under his in a soft long kiss.
Dalton moved her inside his arms and stood still for a minute: let's go Helena before I change my mind... but we make it quick... dinner is in 30 minutes.

They walked silently not caring about the cold weather.
Then they also sat and ate in silence... Helena was getting more anxious during dessert at the thought of what happens next... Dalton understood her thoughts when her eyes were avoiding him.
He left his dessert and drank his last bit of wine and took her hand making her stand and walked her to her room.
He closed the door not leaving her hand. He took her softly in his arms, kissed her softly: take off your dress and wear the black lace nightgown of yesterday's.
She looked at him in surprise but didn't want to argue.
She went to her bathroom and changed not forgetting to put couple of drops of perfume on her neck letting her hair down.
She went out to the dimmed lighted room to see Dalton standing by the window in only his shorts.
When he hugged her this time their skin where touching while she was too shy to move... He took her hand and opened it putting her palm on his chest while he dived in her neck and chest kissing passionately every inch.
He lifted her to bed where he made sweet love to her feeling every breath she took.
She was so exhausted by the time he finished and she surrendered to sleep in the warmth of his body.
He waited till she slept and slipped out of her bed to his room.

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