Chapter 30: Broken Arm

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Adele jumped standing at the sight of gardeners carrying someone inside the palace, Helena rushed to see what's happening.
It was Dalton being carried up to the room with a broken arm and a wounded knee.
Mrs. Smith was making her usual fuss while Helena reached him looking worried: how do you feel, i mean, other than the broken arm & hurt knee, any pain in your head?
Dalton: I'm fine... will you ask for Dr John
Helena: can I just position the arm in any way to make the pain less?
Dalton's face showed much pain: no, please... it's very painful... just leave it
Helena asked Mr Smith to ensure to inform Dr John that he broke his arm so he comes with the needed items.
She returned and sat beside him from the other side of the broken arm.
Helena: I'm dying to hear what happened but if talking would annoy you then I will wait.
He didn't say anything while she handled him some water and leaned to kiss his hair: you will be just fine... can I read to you just to take your mind away from the pain?
Dalton was still taken by her sweet kiss, he nodded.
She sat reading to him till Dr John arrived and made the cast around the broken arm, the knee was a simple wound, which he also treated.
Dr John asked Helena: what happened?
Helena smiled at Dalton hoping he would answer the doctor despite the pain on his face: only if you are able Dalton... don't force yourself to speak.
Mrs. Smith was looking angrily at Helena: he has to tell us what happened... we are dying of worry for him
Helena smiled and pet her arm kindly: he will be fine Mrs. Smith, i know how much you worry for him.
The old lady was so touched that she teared and left of the room.
Dalton was watching them and was still trying to clear his voice of pain, he spoke plainly: fell off the horse... it got scared suddenly and throw me off.
Helena couldn't help going kneeling by his side: thank Goodness you are fine... I mean I'm sorry for your arm... but...
Dr John confirming: Yes, absolutely... you're lucky... this could have been more serious!! Take this painkiller and I will tell Mrs. Donavan couple of more instructions to do in the next days till I see you again.
Dalton hated the warm look Dr John always has in his eyes when speaking to or about Helena, which made him snap: you tell me whatever concerns me... I'm very capable on my own.
Helena was shocked at his shouting at them and couldn't help looking angry at him.
Dr John: there's no reason to be upset Mr Donavan, after couple of days and only based on your ability you move your fingers and wrist to ensure good circulation and maintain muscle strength.
He closed his suitcase after collecting all his instruments and left the room quietly when Helena followed him: please Dr John don't be upset... I apologize for him... he's in much pain
Dr John smiled: and jealous
Helena was shocked: no... No, we are not... he's only too independent... he hates it when he feels in need of anyone.
Dr John was still smiling at her confusion: maybe... anyhow... he will be in pain tonight... a strong drink would be a good idea, good-bye Mrs. Donavan.
When Helena returned to the room, she was looking at his eyes that were following her in anticipation: what did he say that he didn't want me to hear?
Helena keeping her voice calm: you mean after snapping at both of us for no reason? He just said you will be in pain at night and suggested a strong drink.
Dalton looked angry at her: you go sleep in the other room... I don't need anyone.
Helena wanted to snap back at him: I told him, you're going to say that!! But too bad no one has a cure for that!
She left the room and felt really upset on how easy he casts her away... she returned back with food and a strong whiskey.
She gave him the whiskey first and sat on the chair beside him reading quietly in her book... she didn't want to start any conversation as she felt he was still so tensed.
She saw him trying to leave bed and silently helped him to remove the covers... he went to the bathroom while she was embarrassed to ask him if he needed help but kept her mouth shut when he didn't ask.. She knew him a bit well now, and knew when he's most likely to burst into one of his rages or outbursts.
When he came back, she spoke softly: if you are not in much pain, do you prefer to sit in the chair instead?
Dalton looked at her thinking it was a good idea, but didn't say anything... just sat drinking his whiskey in silence.
After some time, he spoke rather angry: well?? .. You can't act angry because of this idiot of a doctor.
Helena was still containing her anger: first, I'm not angry because of him... I'm angry how easy you snapped at me for no reason while i was only so worried about you!
Dalton was softened by her complaint but was now smiling: and second?? ... If you say first then there's more I presume??
Helena narrowed her eyes to him: I don't want to say what's second cause it will make us argue again... and I don't want to do that today...
Dalton challenged her: if you don't say what the second thing is, you might as well go and leave me alone.
Helena stood in anger: you see... you're doing it again... fine... i will go if I'm not wanted... but at least you could have said it more delicately.
Dalton snapped: I don't want you gone.
Then his voice calmed seeing the anger buildup in her eyes: I just want to know what annoyed you?
Helena kneeled beside his chair: I'm less concerned you snapped at me & Dr John, who's not an idiot by the way, but most of all that you shouted as if I was not even supposed or entitled to take care of you! And that you find it so easy to keep pushing me away time after time...
Her words were suddenly cut off in a second when he suddenly grabbed her chin up by his lips locking hers... They were both lost in their lips for moments before she opened her eyes to see him looking deeply in her eyes.
Dalton smiled: love the taste of your lips Helena
Helena blushed and smiled... he moved his palm on her cheek and kissed her softly then spoke in her ear: didn't mean to annoy you.
She smiled happily but her face changed when he sat back in the chair with pain on his face.
Helena: do you prefer to eat a little and try to sleep? You didn't have any food since breakfast.
Dalton: not hungry and I won't be able to eat with one hand
Helena helped him to bed resting his back to the bed head& making sure his knee was also rested on a pillow.
She got the food tray and put it on his lap and started cutting the cold cuts, cheese and bread and feeding him with the fork in small bites... He didn't say anything but seemed hungry after the first couple of bites.
Once food was finished, she drew the curtains down and let him sleep.
The first night was really tough for him... she gave him two more large whiskeys to be able to sleep.
Two days later he was better and pain was less, his knee was almost healed... she convinced him to have a short walk and it was an amazing mood shifter to him.

She loved taking care of him and he seemed less annoyed about it... when Dr John came back to check on him she deliberately went to see her mother in-law... she didn't want more annoyance between them.
Dalton came up to see her and his Mother after the doctor left.
He couldn't help asking her: you didn't come to see Dr John when he was checking me, why is that?
Helena smiled softly: apparently, he gets on your nerves... and if I'm around, you might get angry with me too... I just hate it when we argue.
Emilia: but why would you both argue because of Dr John?
Helena read the angry face of Dalton: No Mrs. Donavan, not because of the doctor... just sometimes Dalton gets annoyed with the too much care and attention.
He narrowed his eyes while she looked puzzled and stood to leave before he burst in front of his mother: should we go Dalton... I can use a walk and I'm sure it will do you good too.
As they left his mother's room, he grabbed her pushing her to the wall squeezing her with his powerful body: you think you can challenge me in front of her?
She smiled softly as she touched his nose with her finger: well Mr Donavan, is there anything I can say or do without you thinking I'm challenging you?
He pulled her back as she was trying to move: you think I'm not powerful enough to grab you with one arm if I want to?
Her voice broke at the desire in his eyes: I... I didn't mean it like that.
He realized how much he missed her from the dreamy eyes and the broken voice.
He took her hand and pulled her as she followed silently to their room... he immediately turned her and opened the back of her dress as she took it off and started undoing his shirt: everything Helena.. Take everything off.
He drew the curtains down and kept a little light in the room, they were both standing naked as he walked slowly pushing her to the wall squeezing her body against his while keeping the broken arm away. He lifted one of her legs open entering fully inside her while showering her neck and lips with countless warm kisses. Her arms were holding on to his neck, her fingers going through his hair. She was trying to prevent herself from screaming at his effect on her or at his firing desire when she softly said his name as he fulfilled their hunger.
He let her leg down slowly while still holding her body with one arm: can you stand alone Helena?
She whispered: no... Not yet, please wait
He smiled as he kissed her head: you're sweet... delicious and sweet.
She smiled as she tried to find her legs and the power to stand alone... they stayed in bed for a long time holding each other not talking.

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