Chapter 52: Call for Search

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Victoria tried to write a short note to Helena, which she wrote, and tore several times, as she was so lost on what to tell her, it was so sad.
Dearest Nana
I'm so proud of you as i heard the great news about you and your family.
Sincere congratulations to you all.
I went to see Dalton and i honestly don't know what to tell you
He's so lost in the past and still cannot get over his pain
He told me that you said that maybe time is the miracle you need, that's very true my child... i too believe that time can heal lots of things.
Keep your faith and stay the beautiful person you are.
Come to see me anytime, i already miss you so much.
With much love,

Helena only prayed that God who sent her all the way to the Palace and arranged that she marries a person she would have never met if it wasn't meant to be; would also arrange for her and his life..

Helena couldn't tell her parents anything about Dalton... she didn't even know how to tell them she got married... then how to explain that her husband sent her away cause he couldn't deal with her love to him.. In addition, the worst part was her doubt and fear of what if he never wanted her to be back with him ever again??
Everything was making her sadder, more confused, and more heartbroken.
Her only cure was to get herself involved more and more in the business and in arranging everything for her parents even better than before.

Back in the palace, Mr Johnson the lawyer was called for an urgent matter the messenger said... He was shown to the study and was about to take a second piece of cake when Dalton came rushing in scaring him off
Dalton spoke directly & sharply: she's gone... Since three weeks now, i need to find her
Lawyer Johnson was trying to speak after quickly swallowing the cakes: Helena left?? Did she steel like Suzan?? She must have gone back to her old life... these women cannot stay straight
Dalton stared at him feeling pain in his heart: what on earth..??? Stop this stupidity immediately... I want a private detective to find her.
Johnson was eager to know why: let her go... it's less trouble now that she's gone... I never trusted her
Dalton looked so angry: do I care what you think... do as you are told, and get the best detective maximum by tomorrow... if you are not capable of getting the best I will find one myself
Johnson got so scared at his tone: I will... I will Mr Dalton... I haven't failed you before and won't now.
Dalton was trying to control the pain in his voice: I want to meet the detective... she mentioned something about a family at York... It's best to get someone from there, someone who knows the city and the families... no need for him to waste time on classy families... I believe middle and moderate class is more to the criteria.
Johnson said reluctantly: you know Mr Donavan that Father Timothy can divorce you for inappropriate act from her side... she never told you that her father was in prison before your marriage... after all he's the one who divorced you before
Dalton looked furious as he wasn't sure where he knew about her father: Father Timothy divorced me based on Bible & church regulations, because Suzan ran with another man! And I want to find Helena... which part of what i said you are not listening to or able to understand??

When Johnson left Dalton's office there was so much quietness in the room... Dalton stood by the window furious at Johnson and how blindly he compared the sweet angelic Helena with the evil mean Suzan... they were nothing like each other.

Suzan was manipulative and had only money in her head and in front of her eyes when she made use of his grief over Mary. She played so well the shy little doll at the beginning till she spread her venom into his blood making him think she was madly in love with him... all the way till she made him marry her promising him she will make him forget the pain of his losing beautiful Mary. In less than a year, she ran away with a lover that she kept aside after she stole money and some beautiful pieces of family's jewelry.

But Mary, his childhood sweetheart and life's love, he loved her when they were only little children. Losing Mary while her giving birth was the most devastating disaster he had to live... only to be followed by the death of the immature baby within days... his heart still aches with pain at the thought of these two innocent souls ..
He truly loved Mary... she was simple minded but beautiful and innocent and she loved him and made him the center of her life.
They thought they will live happily ever after... but she died and took a piece of his heart away with her... he never felt complete again till he fell in love with Helena.

Dalton gasped and fell down on his chair at his own thoughts and admitting to himself for days now, since Auntie Victoria visited, that he loved Helena... against all the odds he loved her.

Since the beginning, he hated the fact that she married him for her need of money... he hated the fact that her father is convicted and is actually in prison... he hated the fact that her mother was mentally unstable.. Everything around her was supposed to make him be thankful she was gone.
But something in her voice when she said she loved him was calling up for his frozen dead heart and bring it back to life.
She once told him during their many many arguments; that she cannot deal with all the ghosts and demons in his head... and that she will not be the one paying for all what he had gone through before.
He shouted badly at her and they didn't speak for days, but he knew she was right; his head was full of ghosts and demons from his life before her.

He decided that he had to bring her back, if he loves her or not, she's supposed to be with him; she's his wife... she belonged in the Palace.

It's been long terrible days & nights and Dalton was unable to stop thinking about Helena... going to their room was even worse... the room was cold without her... the bed was too specious and lonely without her... he tried to find trace of her smell in the pillow that he hugged just to be able to close his eyes and sleep a little.

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