Chapter 38: Visiting Home

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The meeting with the lawyer was as awful as every single time except this time she asked for pounds knowing that he will only give her less... after screaming at his face she managed to get seven from him.
She was silent during dinner... sad silent again tonight, while Dalton was so puzzled... there were no reading tonight... her eyes were too sad & tired and she wanted to sleep early enough for the travel next day.
When they returned to the bedroom she slipped immediately into bed... when he followed, she was the one distant and closed that evening.
It was the first time for him to be in her shoes, her usual place when he was the one always distant.
Dalton: I hate it Helena
She rolled, slept on her back looking his direction: what?
Dalton: feeling how you feel all the time when I'm distant and closed... now you are being so...
Helena: and now I know how you feel when there's so much pain that you are unable to communicate.
They fell into silence before she reached for his hand and put it on her cheek and closed her eyes... he was so moved by her sweetness and didn't move his hand till she slept, he only pulled her closer to him.

With the morning light, she kissed his forehead softly before leaving to her mother. The ride of the carriage was supposed to be comfortable but her unrestful heart was full of hope that this time she will find her mother getting better and her father would agree to see her and she will stop at her house to meet Jimmy and follow on when they are able to settle the debt and work on setting her father free.

Unfortunately, it was a long hectic sad day, which finished so fast.
On her way back home, she was hopelessly broken, unable to even cry anymore.
Her mother got more and more depressed that she didn't even know her, no matter how much she tried to speak to her, there was no reaction from her but her mumbling with Nick's name... it was heartbreaking.

Even worse, her father didn't agree to see her sending a note that prison was no place of a lady and do not ever come back..
She met Jimmy who proved every time to be a true friend. He kept telling her that he wishes he had the money to get them all of this unbelievable turn and break! She gave him money to buy things and pass it to her father and pay an extra to the prison guards to take care of him.
Jimmy mentioned a most disturbing thing, he knew from friends of Judge Black that he won't release her father from prison even if the debt is paid. She asked him to get more details because this cannot be fair.

Their house that used to be one of the most elegant places in town was scary and soulless... as much as she had to go, the trip only made her more sad and scared as on how this nightmare would ever end, if ever...

When the carriage stopped at the palace Helena tried to dry her tears and walked inside trying to look less broken than how she felt.
Dalton came out of the study after missing her the whole day and for no reason Helena ran to him throwing herself into his arms... He held her warmly as her tears fell off... He lifted her face: tears Helena, why? What's wrong??
Helena looked so sad: if I begged you to just hold me and we speak tomorrow, would you?
Dalton was so surprised but he held her so tight as she was still unable to stop crying.
He lifted her to their room and put her in the chair while he sat on the leg-rest pulling it in front of her: is everyone fine? Is your mother...?
Helena burst: she didn't know me... her depression became only worse... she didn't know even me.
Dalton felt sorry for her: I'm sorry Helena... what can we do?
Helena realized she might be misunderstood: I'm sorry I spoke too fast... I didn't mean to say anything about my family... I know how you feel... it's just that the day was terrible.
Dalton was torn between how he was keen not to get entangled with more troubles and between he'd do anything to take away this horrible sadness away from her: should I leave you to wash your face? Did you eat anything? You want a glass of water or maybe wine?

Helena was surprised that Dalton was losing his very well contained self: maybe only... another...
She wanted to say hug but felt so embarrassed... she stood slowly to go wash her face... he understood her need and her embarrassment and grabbed her into his arms as she melted... he kissed her lips softly many times... she whispered: thank you Dalton.. I never felt weaker.
He held her again kissing her head: tell me what you want and I will do it for you.
She circled her arms around him: nothing more than that for the time being.
He kept her held tight for a while, then asked her to go prepare for dinner.

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