Chapter 59: A New Morning

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To the whole house's surprise, the bell of the house rang before seven in the morning; it was Dalton in his usual elegant outfit with a punch of beautiful white roses in his hands.
Helena and her parents were still standing on the staircase when he approached Helena and hugged her while presenting the roses to her mother who was standing right behind her.
Dalton: these were freshly picked up few hours specially for you Mrs. Bentley. Morning Mr Bentley... very sorry to wake you up so early, but I couldn't stop myself from moving with the first daylight.

Mr Dalton couldn't help smiling: seems you're not the only one who didn't have any sleep Nana!
Helena was looking at him so dreamy but didn't say a word, she just wanted to keep looking at his eyes.

He smiled at her and her father: I'll be right back Lena!
He went back to the carriage while Butler Garrett got his luggage.

Dalton returned with a huge punch of red roses: well you already know me Helena, not very well with words, maybe these roses will say what I cannot put into words.

Helena smiled but tears gathered in eyes: thank you... they're beautiful!
Dalton wrapped her shoulders: why the tears, you break my heart.
Helena shrugged her shoulders: I guess I waited so long for that.
Mr Bentley: well, i cannot believe I'm actually saying that, but you both need couple of hours sleep... go to your room, then we have a meeting you & me Mr Donavan.
Dalton smiled got wider and more relaxed: call me Dalton please, will be my pleasure.
Mrs. Bentley: just for the record Dalton; you are not very scary when you smile, have anyone told you that before?
Helena looked blaming her mother who seemed to be so amused: Mama?!!

Mr Bentley took his wife's arm: come sweetie, let's change and i make you coffee & breakfast today... i feel like spoiling my wife.

Dalton was so surprised at Helena's parents' and how sweetly they treat each other: they amaze me, your parents Helena... their love is very special... he wants to make her breakfast and spoil her??
Helena laughed: i don't know what to say... i mean they have always been like that... that was one of the reasons when you didn't want to share my bedroom at the beginning i was falling apart.
Dalton looked sad: i couldn't at the start... but somehow i decided to try... it was amazing how soon i was so used to being beside you... in fact; in less than a month it was the other way around.. It was impossible to sleep away from you.

They were walking up till they stood in front of the guests' room, Dalton was taken and pointed at Helena's room: i thought your father agreed we stay in the same room?

Helena smiled and opened the door: that's our new room... Mama arranged it yesterday and Papa put on the new curtains himself; they didn't want to call any workers... they said they wanted to do everything themselves for you & me.
Dalton: as i said, they are amazing people... but why not your room?
Helena: this one has a bathroom, which will be ours alone & they always had this room for me so when i get married it will be for us to use when we stay over with them.
Dalton: very thoughtful... and i love it... there's a kind of sweet calm charm about it.
Helena noticed his tired eyes: you want to wash your face and we rest a little?
Dalton: not sure if i will sleep, but i need to lay down beside you for a while.
They both slept almost instantly the minute they settled in each other's arms.

In the afternoon, Jackson came to see them and Jackson seemed less annoyed after he sat with his uncle and knew that Helena was in so much love with him, while Dalton with his steel face has so much respect and love for her but isn't very clever in showing affection.
When Dalton & Helena heard this from Jackson, they both laughed.
Dalton nodded: yes, that; I'm guilty of... but i do love your cousin, Jackson... so much!
Jackson looked at him: do i need to apologize for our last conversation?
Dalton shock his head while Helena asked: what conversation
Dalton circled her waist: Jackson was worried and so protective for you sweetie, which I'm grateful for... how can i be upset of that?
Jackson smiled: when will you come to meet my wife and see my baby?
Helena looked at Dalton and seemed unsure if he wants to go or not, but Dalton immediately said that he would love to, whenever suitable for Helena & the new Mama.

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