Chapter 55: Formal Introductions

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Jimmy came and kissed Helena fondly: I cannot find words Nana... I will be forever in your debt.
Jackson came following: go away Jimmy, let me hug her... You were brilliant Nana, just as always, sweetheart.
Dalton looked annoyed as his eyes narrowed... Helena noticed and quickly introduced Jackson: Dalton, that's my cousin Jackson. Jack; how's your beautiful wife and sweet baby after returning from London?
Helena quickly tried to put off the fire she saw in Dalton's eyes, and seems Jackson also understood as they shook hands coldly: they are fine. I still hate the fact I was in London all that time while you were all alone in this disaster... I'm so very sorry Nana... I feel terrible about it.
Helena smiled bitterly, but then looked at Dalton with so much love: you shouldn't... It all happened for a reason, I'm sure.
Jackson was still curious about Dalton who was looking so unfriendly: but Nana who's the gentleman? We were not introduced.
Helena smiled: Jack I still didn't introduce Dalton to papa or mama... Dalton is my husband
Helena's eyes were locked on Dalton's filling his heart with warmth... but still his face was hard in the presence of these two shocked men.

Jackson and Jimmy looked annoyed and puzzled... when Jackson said: do you mean he's proposing to be your husband?
Jimmy: why hurry Nana? You are now back to your status? You can wait for... I mean unless you are in love? Are you?? Cause you deserve to be loved Nana!! He doesn't look it!!
Jackson was so irritated: are you in love with my cousin Mr Dalton? I cannot read your eyes
Helena was shocked that Dalton didn't answer and had the steel unhappy face he always had, she tried to cover up her disappointment: well gentlemen he's my husband since more than seven months now.
Her cousin and best friend were still looking so shocked at them both... Jimmy also didn't hide his anger at Dalton making him feel more annoyed.

They were interrupted by her father's approaching and holding her fondly, while Jimmy & Jackson were congratulating him.
Nicolas: you did great my child... You make me so proud of you Nana!
Jackson looked angrily at Dalton: she makes us all proud Uncle... Who would deserve or ever be your match Nana?
Dalton had a firing look towards him while she blamed him... Jimmy was so annoyed with an unfriendly look at Dalton.

Mr Bentley looked curiously at Dalton: how are you Sir... i wasn't sure who you are or why you attended the meeting... i actually thought you are one of our Lawyer's clerks... but he's just told me he never saw you before.
Jackson interrupted Helena as she was about to speak, he knew that his Uncle's reaction when he knows of her marriage will be terrible: well Uncle, Jimmy & i were about to leave. Again congratulations on today.
Mr Bentley: why leave... We were having dinner together... It's already arranged that you both were staying!?
Jimmy looked annoyed at Dalton: seems you have other visitors... we better leave you to it... i actually wanted to ask you something Mr Bentley & Nana if we can walk out?

When they were alone, Jackson was still looking with narrow eyes at Dalton who was standing looking back at him: you married Nana?? How dare you take advantage of her in her worst times and at her weakest moments? You do not deserve her, you are no match for hers. If you think you can hurt my baby sister, i swear i will make you regret the day you were born.
Dalton spoke with much patience: the only thing that makes me patient on this stupidity, is your obvious care and protection of Helena.
When Helena came back, they were looking at each other as crazy rivals. Helena felt the tension between them: Jack, Jimmy is waiting for you.
Jackson held her warmly: I'm so sorry Nana i was away... but still, why on earth did you have to marry that unworthy cold man?
Helena moved out of his arms and spoke firmly: Jack, you will never speak like that again about my husband... Plus you don't even know him.
Jackson kissed her forehead and left silently.

Helena took Dalton's hand and went to the drawing room where her father & mother were hugging fondly, Dalton only understood then why Helena was so warm... Seeing her parents hold each other softly melted his heart with softness.

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