Chapter 32: Being Late

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From the first time she told him about her period and he was kind enough to make the habit of holding her at night after reading to her till she slept, she noticed that there were always three days when he wouldn't touch her... to her surprise these three days were somehow the exact dates she would be needing him the most..
To the extent that one time she was wearing a very nice nightgown; he looked tensed and asked her to change it without even telling her why... she looked so embarrassed and silently changed it.
When she returned to bed, he felt her annoyance and only grabbed her body to hold her back into his chest like every night... it took her more time to relax while she also felt his discomfort and his losing sleep.

Helena woke up feeling sick one day with an upset stomach... She was not able to leave her bed and Dalton told her to stay rested and that he would send her breakfast.
It was afternoon when she was still in bed... she felt his hand going through her hair: what's wrong? You have never slept that much, you didn't even touch your coffee or food!?
Helena tried to lift herself up and sat resting against the bed head: don't know... not feeling well
Dalton: I guess it would be your normal monthly pain, you're due since yesterday, right?
Helena looked embarrassed as she didn't know he was counting her cycles: no not yet
Dalton jumped standing looking so tensed: not yet? Are you late?
Helena was so confused: no, I don't think so... not sure
Dalton: stop being so naive Helena... that's serious
Helena left bed and stood in front of him: well, I'm not sure why you're angry or why you think I'm naive?
Dalton looked angry: you're late and have been tired and stayed in bed more than usual and your stomach is hurting!!?
Helena looked shocked: you mean pregnancy? I... no I don't think
Dalton: that's not good enough... I'll get the doctor... he should have a way to tell us.
Helena was so puzzled and felt scared suddenly... she needed her mama so much... but she also couldn't understand why Dalton was so angry... he didn't go back to see her till Dr John was joining him.. Helena was already dressed.

Dr John: Mrs. Donavan, how do you feel? Mr Donavan says you are not well, what's wrong?
Helena told him what she felt and Dalton immediately told him what he suspected
Dalton: I was thinking if you examined her, you would know!
Dr John: I can examine her but it's too early in all cases... if it's a common flu, we need to monitor other symptoms... if she's pregnant or not while you say she's late only for a day which is not even considered late!.. But this too cannot be known for at least two more weeks.
Dalton: no no I cannot wait two weeks... can't you just give her something to make her period come faster?!
Both Dr John & Helena were so shocked at him
Dalton was so angry at their looks and silence: very clearly, she cannot become pregnant... I've been counting the days and making sure we were only doing it on the safe days... just do something, don't keep looking so puzzled.
Dr John tried to overcome the huge disappointment on Helena's face, it was obvious to him that the calculations Dalton was doing were not at all coordinated with her: well Mr Donavan, if you're asking my medical opinion, I suggest we wait another day or two and the whole thing can solution itself.. If not, then maximum in a week's time we interfere
Helena eventually spoke slowly to others a shaken voice: you scare me... both of you... can you just leave me alone?!
Dr John felt so sorry for her: Mrs. Donavan, I'm very sorry you feel this way... please don't be scared... I will never harm you... in fact my job as a physician is to help... if you are too tensed maybe a glass of wine will help your body to relax.. Stress isn't going to help in all cases... now, if you will both excuse me... I will come back tomorrow.
Helena was in tears the minute Dr John closed the door behind him: How dare you say that in front of him... how dare you underestimate me by saying I cannot be pregnant from you.. How could you be counting the days just to ensure I don't carry your child? I've never felt so bad in my whole life.
Dalton: it's not what you think... I'm protecting you... you silly ignorant girl... what do you know of pain... what do you know of the dangers that lie hidden in the corners of innocence?
She was so angry that she couldn't even stay with him in the room, she stood and left the room without talking...
When she finally found her way out, she walked alone feeling hurt. She tried in every way to understand what would be the reason he acted this way, she then sat tired and tried to organize her thoughts.
She suddenly came to the conclusion that a baby would only complicate everything for her now... her main focus was supposed to be her parents.
She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before she forced herself to smile at the sky while praying and hoping for the best to come.
She walked back home, which made her stomach ache disappear. She was back to her room... she washed her face and discovered she was already starting her period.
She was confused before forcing herself to smile again and tell herself it's for the best and that her prayers are heard.
When she left the bathroom to her room, Dalton was standing in the middle of the room with his hands on his waist: I got you some wine.
Helena walked so calmly towards the wine taking small sips: cheers Dalton, it already solution itself... thank Goodness for that. Cause I too don't want to have your baby.
Dalton grabbed her arm while speaking angrily between his teeth: you don't understand anything... you think it's a competition of who hurts the other more?
Helena challenged him back narrowing her eyes: I do understand that you were willing to ask the doctor to cut me to pieces if he had to!
Dalton looked horrified at what she said... he left her arm and looked down... spoke with a weaker voice: is that what you thought? Where was your head when I said I was protecting you?
Helena was still boiling: if that was protecting... then please don't ever try to protect me again!
Dalton left the room in silence while she stood angrily not even knowing how to feel...
The amount of sadness in his eyes was too heavy for her even when she was still boiling with anger of him.

She had a shower, changed and went to dinner... he wasn't at dinner and the staff said they didn't see him the whole evening... Helena wasn't sure why, but she wanted to know he's fine... she walked up to the rooftop he called his favorite place and found him sitting alone.
She sat beside him not saying anything... she didn't even know what to say after bursting out into each other the way they did.
She sat cross-legged looking at the open sky.
Dalton: if you're not here to speak, or find more terrible words to tell me... why are you here?
Helena too was puzzled at why she was there... she didn't even know: I don't have terrible words to say in exchange of the terrible feelings you make me feel... she paused a little: plus no... I don't know why I am here... I guess I just wanted to see you are fine.
Dalton was looking tired: very well, now you see I'm fine... you can leave.
Helena wasn't annoyed for some reason, instead she smiled.
Dalton looked annoyed: what's so funny?
Helena was still smiling: if anyone should leave, it's you... you're again using my favorite spot.
Dalton couldn't help a small smile... and kept silent... they sat silently again... but less tensed and less annoyed.

After a short while, cold air started moving harder when Helena sneezed and was cold, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her: should we go inside before getting sick?
She stood and waited for him to walk beside her till they went inside the palace... she gave him his jacket: can we have dinner? I was waiting for you
Dalton was not hungry, but he thought that he liked her waiting for him: I'm not hungry
Helena was about to go into the direction of the bedroom when he took her hand... his hand was warm and his touch was soft: you didn't eat almost the whole day!
Helena was blushing at the touch of his hand, it was always amazing how she felt every single time, and she spoke slowly: I don't eat alone... I can't...
Dalton smiled and nodded: we eat together then.
They had dinner silently when Helena wished he'd tell her why he didn't want a baby from her.

Dalton was so taken in his own sad memories and heartbreaks.
When they went to bed, he told her he was too tired for any reading and she only nodded before going under the bedcovers.
They slept almost immediately... only to wake up in the morning completely wrapped in his arms.

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