Chapter 45: The Gossip

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Dalton insisted she goes to buy couple of more dresses, more nightgowns, gloves, couple of hats and all lady's needs, specially that the one they bought at Town were not suitable to the Palace.
Helena selected the colors and the elegant designs and matching gloves, hats... she thought of her mama and the times they bought dresses together... she missed her and wanted to go see her so much...

Mrs. Smith who joined her as usual, introduced her to couple of ladies in the shop while she left to the nearby other hats shop to compare.

Helena was in the fitting room when she heard the ladies talking
Lady one: have they left? Mrs. Smith and the new bride of Dalton Donavan's?
Lady two: I saw her leave... this Dalton has nerves... a new victim already?
Lady one: he's a murderer... of course, he has nerves!
Helena froze in the room and even held her breathing.
Lady two: you remember how he raved about his first wife Mary?! And then they came out saying she died... not even a year after they married?
Lady two: and Suzan that amazing blond who also disappeared in less than a year of marriage? The whole city is sure he killed her too... no one would just vanish like she did!
Lady one: no wonder he got himself a wife from another city... all families have been turning him down
Lady two: but this girl is sweet. Before the year ends he will get her killed... you mark my words.
Lady one confirmed as she was opening the curtain of the fitting room getting frozen at the ghost like face of Helena's.
Mrs. Smith entered into the shop when Helena sat watching the two ladies apologizing to the shopkeeper and leaving hastily.

Helena was so shocked that she didn't speak the whole way back home... she knew she couldn't ask Mrs. Smith as she will go and tell Dalton.

For the whole next two days she would jump every time he moved around her and she would cry in her sleep. When he grabbed her near him, she cried harder begging him not to harm her. It hurt him but he was sure something wrong happened since the past week.

When she woke up he was sitting on the chair beside her bed, she jumped standing the minute she opened her eyes
Dalton: well, we need to talk... you will have to tell me, what is that?
Helena: I... I... what do you want me to say
Dalton tried to sound very calm: the truth please... what happened that you're so scared and you jump of fear every time I'm around you... and then last night; you cried your heart out begging me not to hurt you?!
His eyes became filled with pain: did I hurt you before Helena? Have I ever...
He didn't finish his words while his feelings were between anger and sadness
Helena: If I tell you, it will only aggravate the problem
Dalton was still angry: please let me be the judge of that...
Helena: I'm scared to tell you... but then I'm scared not to tell you while I have two more lives pulled up with a thread tied to my fingers... I can't afford... I mean nothing can happen to me... at least for the next couple of months.
Dalton: what can happen to who... what two other lives?
Helena: can I please have a coffee and try to think of how to speak about this
Dalton screamed at her face: no... You speak now... I cannot wait... the scared look in your eyes is unbearable... speak
Helena screamed back: I know I'm your third wife... I know people say you killed both of them... and it's a matter of time and you will kill me before a year of marriage.

She was crying and gasping for air as she started to have another panic attack but still spoke gasping for air in between: I cannot die before Mommy and Daddy are out and fine... I cannot...
Even though he jumped to hug her, she fell to the ground completely breathless: breath Helena... keep it inside... keep it...
He lifted her and put her on bed and kissed her hair: I would never hurt you... just stop hurting yourself please... breath Helena... keep it inside.

He stayed with her, brought her some water and kept holding her till her breathing became better.
He then left the room in silence.
She washed her face and changed quickly. When he opened the door, she was sitting on the chair looking weakly at his face: Dalton please tell me it's not true... tell me that you didn't hurt these two wives of yours

He was so annoyed that he had to fight back his feelings to hold her and tell her all about his past and his own heartbreaks; instead he sat frozen while Maria came with coffee and biscuits
Helena sipped her coffee rather fast as she needed to control herself. She went and stood by him as he looked at the window: Dalton I don't want to know anything from anyone else... I want you to tell me.
Dalton: if I tell you, will you believe me? What if you thought I'm lying?
Helena moved closer and put her hand on his arm: please Dalton I'm so tired... just tell me what happened
Dalton was cold and looked indifferent: father Timothy will come to see you whether you believe or not it's up to you... I didn't kill anyone... I'll be at the cottage for few days.

Helena stood there unable to tell him not to go... a part of her was still scared; then she quickly ran down the staircase to his study as he was about to take the horse: wait Dalton.. I want to be with you
Dalton looked so surprised at her: what? You are not afraid i kill you at the cottage? Over there no one will even hear your screams for help.
Helena looked at him and was still trying not to cry: i know you won't. I looked down into my heart and i know what i saw in you. You are no murder. All the harshness you show is only the outer facade while your heart is real, soft and filled with goodness. I am so sorry Dalton, i was stupid believing those cruel twisted gossips for a minute forgetting how i saw your heart...
He stood there looking far through the window experiencing for the first time the horrible pain of being accused and unable to defend himself... after all if he says he's innocent why would she believe him.. He fell into deep silent sadness.

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