Chapter 16: "I'm scared"!

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Dalton looked at Helena examining her from head to toes... she did look angelic as little Angie said... he closed the door with the key and then closed the connecting door to the room to the right which was always closed before. He sat on the bed taking off his boots
Helena started to be scared: what do you think you are doing... I want to be alone if you please
Dalton was staring at her as he approached her watching her real scared eyes: nonsense... we will consummate the marriage
Helena started shaking and felt her voice break: now... we couldn't... we don't even know each other... I cannot do that... we need time... couple of months at least...
Dalton looked at her trying to decide if she was really scared or acting like all women trying to play him: you do understand that this is very stupid and it's getting you nowhere?
Helena hated his steel face: what are you talking about... where would I want to go with that... logically we cannot be together until we know one another
Dalton: you see... you're so stupid playing hard to get... this act alone puts me off completely
Helena: and your trying to rush it, won't? Even our first kiss you made a disaster out of it... aren't kisses supposed to be...
She paused and felt pain as she remembered how sweetly her Mom and Dad softly kissed. Dalton looked at her wide-eyed and was starting to boil: who's he?
Helena looked at him puzzled: who?
Dalton angrily: the person you thought of when you mentioned kisses?
Helena looked down in sadness: Mom and Dad
Dalton burst into laughter: please... at least be creative if you're going to stupidly lie.
Helena looked at him so angry: what is it with you and mistrusting every single thing I say... please stop it & just leave my room now...
He suddenly grabbed her tight and kissed her strong and then moved her closer, his lips not leaving hers... he kept kissing her as her eyes were closed unable to open her heavy eyelids.. His hand was holding her head in a way that he had her lips completely under his power with several kisses not letting her breath till he released her.
Dalton had his arm around her waist but she didn't realize it until he started kissing her again forcing her eyes to close feeling his lips closing and releasing hers as she was trying to find a rhythm on when she kissed him back and when to let him kiss her slow.. His arm moved around her shoulder and the one on her back moved slowly to grab her even tighter leaving no space between their bodies.
Dalton released her lips as she tried to open her eyes to look into his expressionless eyes: you thought kisses are what Mrs. Donavan?
She couldn't answer... as she was still under this stranger's effect... Something inside screamed for more while she knew she should move away instead... His arms were too strong and again he moved her in his arms kissing her more intensely while his hands found their way to undo her dress. He was still sending her into a deep coma with his lips... he silently removed her dress from her shoulders revealing her pretty laced underdress that was softly wrapping her whole body in white satin.
He was still keeping the connection of their mouth in deep warm kisses. He reached to her chin and opened her jaw sticking his hungry tongue into her mouth, which scared her making her jump away. When she opened her eyes she found she was in her under dress and couldn't realize at which point he carried her off the wedding dress: wait please... I cannot do that.
He tried to contain his hunger for her that grow at every touch... he wanted to snap at her, but her eyes were different. They were melting at his kisses but now filled with worry and gathering frozen tears.
Helena: Dalton if you please... think of it as a personal favor... I honestly need time... I thought you would too... but seems it's only me. Please accept that we wait.
Dalton was still puzzled at what game is she playing at him now, he wasn't going to approve of it, but also he didn't want to play harsh, he was taking off the rest of his clothes as he spoke very coldly: you realize that I can make this harsh and it will only get ugly, don't you?
Helena took steps back as she was breathing heavy at the scary gaze and the ice-cold man in front of her: you... how could you... you have no right.
She was about to fall down when he grabbed her back into his arms looking bored: you are not having one of these attacks, are you?!
Helena looked so scared as she started shaking badly which made him regret his words and just held her whispering in her ears: breath... keep it inside... exhale now.. Inhale... keep it...
Dalton patiently did that till her breathing settled... every time she tries to get off him, he'd push her more into his hold... he eventually released her a little to see her face: better??
Helena: yes, thank you... will you please consider what I said
Dalton with his usual calm frozen face: it's not even an option... I told you we will consummate our marriage... there's no other option
Helena looked so disappointed: I didn't argue we would... I am just not ready.

He looked at her fixing his eyes into hers as if he wanted to read her better, she eventually confessed to him: I'm scared... so scared.
Dalton was lost suddenly in her words, but quickly removed any effect from his face: well, don't be... you have my word I will not hurt you... I will be gentle... now take off your panty and get under the bed cover... I'll draw the curtains and the darkness will make you feel better.
Helena was so angry: I'm telling you I'm scared and you tell me darkness... do you even understand English?
Dalton approached her angrily and grabbed her arm throwing her to bed: this can go nice or ugly... Your choice now... but only blame yourself if you keep provoking me.
Helena sat looking at him in disbelief: how can anyone be so terribly cruel, you have a stone replacing your heart!
Dalton was hurt but didn't show it, he snapped at her instead: get under the cover, I said.
She went under bed's covers feeling weak and defeated... she whispered to herself "God please take me through this day ... I'm scared"... she thought she will never tell this cold heart how she felt ever again.

Dalton kept looking at her as she closed her eyes with her tears still escaping them... as if she was a child wishing that the nightmare would go away... he withdrew the curtains making the room completely dark before he took off the rest of his clothes and got into bed.

When his hands reached her body her satin underdress felt beautiful and soft as he grabbed her chin and kissed her softly ignoring the tears wetting his and her face... in no time his hunger took over and his kisses and touches were harder as he opened her legs to softly touch the softness and warmth of her... she tried to move away but he eventually grabbed her under him.. and tried to fully enter her... She was not moving and kept so still at the intensity of his experienced moves as she was gasping for air in silence... only when she screamed suddenly of pain, he paused and realized she was a virgin... he pulled out.. and whispered: you're a virgin??
She made no reaction when he continued calmly: i... deep breathing... the pain will go in a minute.
He started kissing her softly in an attempt to distract her from the pain... till this very tensed body of hers started loosening up in his arms again... he entered her again and this time with his full body desire that he was now unable to contain.. He kissed her neck and collar bone and only wished she was naked under him... he waited and tried to make sure she reached before completely letting go for his full hot body to release and completely reach.
They were both breathing heavy when she only opened her eyes staring into darkness, asking herself, what was that... what is this sensation... and why on earth I want him to take me back in his arms... it doesn't make sense.
She was trying to sit leaning against the bed head when she felt him move around the bed till he reached the window and opened the curtains... he stood naked as she quickly closed her eyes with her hands... he smiled softly, put on his shorts and sat on the bed beside her: open your eyes.. I have clothes on
She opened her eyes to see his amazing chest, she closed her eyes again with her hand: no, you don't!
Dalton taking her hands off her eyes: get used to this, I like moving freely in my room... now open your eyes and look at me.
Helena opened her eyes and tried so hard not to look at his amazing board chest... he took her hand softly and Helena's heart dropped at his soft touch.
Dalton: pain??
Helena nodded lightly as the pain showed on her face
Dalton: did you bleed a lot, you need bathroom??
Helena nodded as he removed the covers and carried her to the bathroom. He was standing at the door when Helena looked at him: can I have some privacy please
Dalton was still standing like stone: you will need to show me the stain
Helena was so shocked and didn't understand: I don't get it!
Dalton knew what he felt entering her closed body but he had to see: Helena... you are a virgin, right??
Helena was really angry: yes, Dalton of course I am... the mere question is insulting ... what on earth are you asking?
Dalton coldly: fine... then you have no problem I see the blood stain... Take it off... or do you need me to help?
His voice was flat and empty... she was boiling with anger: but we don't do that back home... I've never heard...
She was trying to find any sort of compassion in his cold face, then she disappointedly gave up: fine... please turn your face at least.
He didn't and she felt defeated again, she grabbed a big towel and wrapped it around herself giving him her back... took off her under dress and held it in her hand towards him... he took it and examined it while she was watching him before he discarded it on the floor and left her clenching on her teeth of anger.

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