Chapter 39: Trip and Horse Race

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When they woke up that day he was still kissing the back of her shoulder, she smiled and thought that she was getting used to be waken up this way for the past couple of weeks since they slowed down on their arguments after her home trip.
She kept thinking, it was still the effect of the cottage days... he felt her hand moving on his arm that was circling her waist: are you awake?
She rolled facing him when he dug his head in her neck kissing her softly going down reaching her collarbone while she smiled softly
He felt her smile and lifted his head to look into her eyes: what are you smiling at, you little naughty girl?
She laughed and touched his nose with hers: I'm getting so used to waking up with this new alarm
He looked deeply in her eyes unable to stop smiling: then you will have to find another way of waking up the next two weeks
She looked puzzled: what do you mean
He smiled as he was standing off bed: I'm traveling for two weeks
She jumped out of bed too and her voice got higher than she wanted: two weeks?? But why, and why that long?
He was amused at her being annoyed and kept going with his plan: you didn't think I would be stuck in the palace not moving, did you?
Helena was unhappy but wanted to control herself, she swallowed difficultly: no, I didn't... now that you mentioned it, it makes sense you would be traveling.

She moved slowly unable to hide the sadness on her face: when do you go?
Dalton: today
Helena was so upset: today? And I get to know only today?
Dalton: why would you need to know earlier?
Helena was so unhappy with his answer or his steel face while having a strange smile in his eyes, she tried to control her voice: right... will you need help gathering up your clothes and trip's needs
Dalton smiled hoping she showed more concern or ask him not to go... but answered firmly: no, I'm used to arrange it on my own
She left sadly to the bathroom and was annoyed at herself as of why she was feeling lonely already... she shouldn't be... she even can enjoy herself on her own.

He started gathering his things while she got dressed and went down.
She came back bringing them coffee and breakfast with Maria following her carrying a big breakfast tray, she supervised doing.
He looked at her eyes trying to understand what was happening into her head, but she was closing up.
Dalton looked at breakfast: that's a good idea... I will move immediately after having a quick bite.
Helena whispered: that soon... but... two weeks? Do you need that much time??
Dalton started feeling better: do you want me to stay?
His question surprised her: No... No, I guess it would be totally illogical if you want to go.
She saw a disappointment in his eyes that she couldn't understand: it's only... I...
Dalton approached her till he was standing in front of her: only what Helena?
There was a certain encouragement in the way he said her name that made her try to find reasons on why she didn't want him gone: I just was thinking what if I had another panic attack or .. Woke up in the middle of the night screaming from my nightmares?
Dalton smiled warmly: you are right... that's serious... well what can we do about that Helena?
Her eyes started tearing when she was so angry of herself and looked away: nothing... don't worry about it... I'll leave you to gather your things...
He grabbed her hand as she passed by: no tears please... I have an idea for the panic attacks that worries you.
Helena looked desperately at him trying to prepare herself for what he will say: Dalton please, if you will try to hurt me or make fun of my fears... please don't.
Dalton looked sad that she had no trust in him: it's too bad you say that... because I was thinking you join me
Helena's eyes started shining: are you serious? I can come with you?
Dalton smiled: only because of your panic attacks & nightmares
Helena smiled: you are not playing me Dalton... are you?
He smiled and took her hands: No... No, I'm not... but this comes with a set of conditions
She looked a little suspicious but smiled: of course, it's your chance to take advantage of me!
Dalton's grin went bigger: that's the first condition; you won't challenge or define me in front of my family or friends... in fact, we will pretend to be madly in love as any newly wedded couple.

Helena smiled and nodded: agreed but I still get to speak my mind when we are alone
Dalton: you're impossible... can't you just get along then say this later... you're not worried I change my mind?
Helena: it won't be me... I'm not deceitful and you know it by now... but also honestly, I wouldn't embarrass or define you in front of anyone... even here, we argued when we are alone!
Dalton smiled and nodded: now that's not all, you're going to be nice to me for a whole month after we're back
Helena laughed: will you take us back to the cottage? It was easier being nice to each other there
He looked warmly at her when she looked embarrassed: sorry... now that wasn't very clever... I spoke too fast...
He smiled which gave her courage to ask: are we attending any social gatherings? It's that i don't have many suitable clothes
Dalton smiled: you will be just amazing in anything... bring the elegant ones and we'll buy what you need from there... ah, one more thing... I still want to leave today
Helena jumped with happiness: give me maximum couple of hours
Dalton laughed knowing how women take ages to get ready: will see about that!

She kept her word; in less than two hours her luggage were in the carriage, after all she had little things... She went to Dalton in the office with Angelica in her arms to kiss her father before they both went to Mrs. Donavan to kiss her...
Dalton was holding her hand in the carriage when she smiled: I haven't felt so excited since the cottage...
She didn't finish her words fearing that he'd be annoyed she refers too much to the cottage.
Dalton understood her sudden silence, and replied fast: I can see it shining in your eyes
Helena: Dalton, can I ask you a favor please?
Dalton: well, not unless you're giving me something in return
Helena laughed: I will be nice to you for six weeks not only four as you asked!
Dalton: not so fast... I have to know what the request is first
Helena: you know that in three days' time, there will be the Grand Horse racing, can we go please?
Dalton looked curious: first, how did you know about this race... second, why would you want to go?
Helena's eyes were still shining: it's an annual race happening every year in the same time... I used to go every year... please Dalton, I'd love to go if we're already in town...
Dalton: fine... I'll ask my cousin and we go.
She jumped off her seat kneeling in front of him circling his waist hugging him hard: thank you so much Dalton... you can't imagine how important this is to me
Dalton raised her chin: anything to keep this fire in your eyes Lena
They both looked deeply in each other's eyes as he suddenly realized that he spoke too quickly too softly... he looked away when she noticed: no Dalton please... I beg of you... don't close up on me now... don't...
She looked desperately at the frozen hard eyes looking angrily at her while he answered coldly: go sit on the couch over there please. We don't want you breaking a bone once the carriage pumps into something and we end up grounded in town.

Helena retreated back sitting on the couch facing him trying not to scream.
After a long time of silence his mind was still blocked with one idea, he would never give her a chance to manipulate him. It's enough he brought her with him.
She was so puzzled at what makes him close up and push her away so easily.
This has happened so many times that she was almost losing hope he will ever tell her what happened to him that made him so harsh and cold.
She sat so quite. The fire in her eyes he mentioned is now replaced by a sad desperate look.

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