Chapter 58: His Departure

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Back in the drawing room, Dalton and Eleanor were trying to set the piano when Butler Garrett offered Dalton a whiskey and poured a glass of wine to the lady of the house.

Mrs. Bentley: I still hate that you married her and I missed my baby's wedding... but you took my heart when you spoke on how you see through her!
Dalton smiled: I've never been good with showing my feelings... but she's amazing... she stole my heart every single day....

He interrupted his words as Helena came with her father.

Dalton: Mr Bentley I'm at your disposal tomorrow morning for any discussions... but I'll have to return home by noon. I wasn't expecting to stay. I even have my horse at the stable across the street.
Helena jumped standing in front of him: no please... you have just arrived... please stay!
Dalton: I wish you all could come back with me. If you are already acquainted to my mother, it will be great she sees you... and I want you to see my family's palace
Helena looked at her parents begging them to agree.
Mr Bentley: I will honestly feel much better to see where my child has been living the past months.
Mrs. Bentley: me too... and I really want to see your mother... she's dear to me.

Helena remembered the business they had to finish: but we have all the dealings of the new shipment... this needs at least a week or so to finalize and sign all agreements.
Mr Bentley: Dalton, stay with us and we leave in a week's time.
Dalton seemed to think about it while Helena put her hands in his: please Dalton... you've just arrived... I need you to....
She didn't finish her words, as she was blushing at the presence of her parents.
Dalton felt it and thought about it a little: I can go back tomorrow, arrange for couple of things and return the day after... I also need to inform my mother and see Angelica
Mr Bentley: Angelica?
Dalton: my daughter.
Mr Bentley impatiently: how many other secrets do I need to know?
Helena: Papa please... that's the child I told you about... actually, it was one of the main reasons I saw his real heart behind all the stillness.

Dalton smiled as he took Helena's hand up and kissed her fingers: Mrs. Bentley, you promised us some music if you please?
Mrs. Bentley smiled: absolutely with pleasure.

The lady sat on her piano after taking her husband's hand to comfort him and seated him beside her while she started playing soft tunes.

Dalton sat beside Helena on the beautiful sofa behind the piano, wrapping her shoulder with his arm: I wish you could come back with me this one night... but looking at your father's face, he would blow in our faces if I asked.
Helena smiled softly: what you said earlier... were you only comforting my parents?
Dalton smiled and pulled her to kiss her head: It hurts me that you don't trust my feelings for you... but it's my fault... I kept pushing you away for so long.
Helena's eyes were gathering tears when he grabbed her and kissed her forehead softly.
Helena: don't go tomorrow Dalton... stay one more day with me... there's millions of things we need to talk about...
Dalton smiled: one of them is Jimmy & Jackson?? God, they hated me instantly!
Helena: they are like brothers to me... you have nothing to worry about... in my heart, there's only you.
He smiled as he kissed her hand softly.
They were so taken in their own discussions that they didn't even notice that Eleanor finished playing and that both her mother and father were staring at them.

Eleanor smiling: you truly love him Nana!!
Her father was not smiling: the question is, if he loved her and won't treat her based on his previous marriages or his own heartbreaks?
Dalton looked offended and Helena stared angrily at her father, then lowered her eyes feeling for Dalton: papa please... you have never said unkind words to anyone before!
Dalton looked sad but interrupted her: I hope not Mr Bentley... I'd be lying if I promised I didn't or i won't... we've been trying hard to find ways to connect .. But I hope I don't do what you've just suspected.

Mr Bentley looked to him and said after thinking: well I have to respect your honesty... I might have doubted you if you made empty promises.

When Dalton & Helena went to her room, they couldn't have enough of holding and kissing each other... all the worry of the previous days... all their missing each other was translated into deep warm embarrasses and long kisses.

The following morning, time flew as Helena couldn't let Dalton's hand even when they had their coffee... her eyes were begging him to stay.
He whispered softly every time: I'll be back before you know it. I too cannot believe I have to let you go!

At the house's door, she couldn't help holding him in front of her parents while he kissed her cheek softly whispering that he loves her.
Helena whispered back: how come it's the second time you say it when I can't get to tell you how much....
Her eyes turned to her parents behind her, biting her lower lip in embarrassment.
He understood and kissed her forehead before mounting his horse and taking off.

The hours were slow and no matter how much she tried to fill the time he didn't escape her mind. She almost burnt dinner when a terrible thought that he wouldn't be coming back hit her.

Her parents asked her the whole day all sort of questions about him.
She told them all about the loan request and the offer of Mrs. Smith and their arguments from the first minute they met.

She couldn't sleep the whole night. She was rolling in her bed with the terrible heaviness in her heart that he's not with her.

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