Chapter 21: Flu

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In the morning, she woke up on the sound of his bad cough and sneezing from the other room. She couldn't stop herself from changing fast and knocking at his door.
He was in his shirt but it was open and his chest was wet with sweat as he laid looking pale with tired eyes. She took a towel and a pot of clean water and sat by his side without a word.
She damped the towel in the cold water and gently washed his face and moved it once more on his chest... she then dried his face with another dry towel. His eyes were only able to follow her quite face when he coldly ordered: leave... go away.
She looked so shocked, and she left his side while he was thinking to himself, it's so easy for her to leave him... like them all... They all left one way or another so easily.
In a little while, Helena was back with a tray of coffee, tea, salted biscuits and another small plate of fresh cakes.
She put the tray on the table and adjusted his pillow to make him sit resting his back to the head bed.
Dalton looked impatient: just give me the coffee and leave me alone.
Helena smiled: not an option... I'm staying till you eat something... eat fast if you want me gone fast.
She put the tray on his lap after taking away the teacup.
She sat beside him and watched him sipping his coffee: I didn't know if you would like salty biscuits or cakes so I got both... same for tea & coffee!
Dalton smiled but quickly removed the smile and took one of the biscuits and ate it sipping the rest of coffee fast: I'm done... go away.
She looked puzzled but tried not to feel sad about it... she took the tray away from his lap and drew the curtains as he adjusted his pillow and slept not looking at her.
She stood at the door: Dalton, I will send for the doctor... you are starting to have a fever.
Dalton: don't do anything... I don't need anything.
She went downstairs and saw Mrs. Smith and asked to send for the doctor.
Mrs. Smith as usual went on and on how he didn't care about himself and how he needs to be more careful with his health. The lady had an amazing ability to speak and repeat herself nonstop.
Helena went couple of times to check on Dalton who looked so peaceful in his sleep. She ran her fingers into his hair when he suddenly opened his eyes, which took her by surprise, she pulled her hand away fast looking guilty.
He couldn't help wanting so much to kiss her in this moment, which made him angry why would he feel this way?
He snapped: I said go away... cannot you do as you are told?
Helena smiled softly: only if I'm convinced.
Dalton's anger and being very tired made him narrow his eyes not understanding: what?
Helena looked softly at him: I do as I'm told only if I'm convinced.
Dalton: why are you even here... don't even pretend you care in three days!
Helena mocking him: I don't... specially after how romantic and sweet you were last night.
She wished she took back the word romantic but she couldn't help being sarcastic.
Dalton was hurt of her making fun of him: then go away.
Helena stood angrily but spoke calmly: I will be back with Dr John... try to have some sleep.
Dalton shouted: don't come back.
She shouted back as she closed the door: I will.

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