Chapter 25: Life in the Palace

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A new routine was formed for her days. She was now allowed to have breakfast in the main dining room and no longer trapped in one of the two bedrooms. After breakfast, she would go for long walks and then return to play for a full hour with Adele and little Angelica..., which was her most loved part of the day... the little girl, was so fond of her as much as Helena loved her.
After Lunch, she would have her coffee with Mrs. Donovan in her wing and speak on different matters and sometimes Mrs. Smith would join them but then she would be talking and gossiping about different people Helena didn't know while Mrs. Donovan seems to be entertained.

She would then be sitting in the library – the treasure room as she told Dalton the first time he brought her in this room.
She remembers that very first time, when she found a book on his bed's side table, she asked Dalton to pass it on to her when he's done with it.
Dalton: you want to read this book? It's too complicated with much politics!
Helena tried to ignore his undermining comment: i already read it before, it's just i don't seem to have many options... i will read it again.
Dalton doubted her as usual: it's quite an amazing story, isn't it? Who's you favorite character though?
Helena knew he was testing her, she read A Tale of Two Cities twice before: Sydney Carton... how far are you in the novel?
Dalton looked puzzled but amused: not Darnay?
Helena smiled: i know that that would be the easy answer, but no... I won't spoil the novel for you though... tell me who your favorite is when you are done with it.

The following day Dalton brought Helena to a room inside a room inside a room and enjoyed looking at her puzzled anticipated eyes... till they reached to the Bibliotheca as he called it.
It was full of books from ground to ceiling with different titles and sections... she was running from one section to another with the joy and excitement of a four years old child let in the garden after many rainy days.
Helena: that's marvelous Dalton... it's the biggest ever and the number of books... it's amazing... can i borrow and read?
Dalton smiled at her: you will find all different books in here... you can read here or anywhere you want... only please make sure to remember to return them in their right original place. Otherwise, it will be a mess.
She nodded with her eyes still lingering between the shelves and the books: of course, thank you... really.
Dalton was still smiling at the look in her eyes when he told her that he would leave her as she seemed that she would sink into this place for hours.

After her daily dose of reading, she would head to the kitchen to help old Mrs. Maggie the cook arrange for dinner ideas specially after the other cook left the castle after fighting with Maggie.
The first times she wanted to cook she was faced by terrible resistance from Mrs. Maggie but Helena told her that this is something she enjoyed, she cooked each night a new item her way... little by little she insisted on cooking the main dish.
When Mrs. Smith discovered Helena's cooking, it was a big drama and she kept objecting that if Dalton knew they would all be in huge trouble.

After Dinner, it was the time she and Dalton stayed in the drawing room, she knew he was so keen on his time and he wouldn't like to be disturbed, so she didn't.
She would have her book in her hand and she too would read in silence. He liked that, how he hated women speaking all the time. Even Mary wouldn't keep her mouth shut!
Helena saw he was always sad in the evenings... she noticed and only wished she knew why? Mrs. Smith would never tell her anything about his life before her and asked her not to try to know. She said that its less painful for everyone to keep the past buried.
They would then go to their room where she has a shower and goes to bed. He would then approach her softly and make love to her for as long as it takes them to be fulfilled and sleep in each other's warmth till morning.

The routine was filling her days, there was a sense of familiarity growing between them but it was heartbreaking for her. She never found affection in his eyes... things were just routine... and she was starting to hate it.

She visited to her Mama every month and saw Jimmy to pass him the money that he buys her Papa food and take it to the prison... as much as she was full of high hopes every time when she went, as much as she was broken with disappointment on her way back.. On top and above the terrible humiliation she had to go through every time she met Mr Johnson to beg for her money before she travels.

One evening as she was cooking dinner as usual Mrs. Smith came in and started objecting and claiming that Dalton will break the house on their heads if he knew she's in the kitchen cooking and working like simple families and not like high well-off families whose daughters never entered the kitchen or helped in the house work.
Helena: Mrs. Smith, if you please, Dalton have been eating my food since a some time now and i don't think he will at all object if he knew i like doing that and i love working with my hands.
Mrs. Smith: Oh, believe me dear he will object... and much more than objection, he will burn us all with his fury
Helena: he won't Mrs. Smith, you've seen he was asking Maggie to cook the same items i was cooking over and over again because he loved it... plus if he knew i would take full responsibility.
Helena looked up at the faces full of horror of Mrs. Smith & Maggie, as they were looking at the door separating the kitchen to the dining room; where Dalton was standing with a face boiling with anger: Helena can you step into my office... now
He spoke with a high voice making every one jump from their places.
Helena washed her hands, took off the kitchen apron and followed him to his office... he was pacing up & down the room when she went in and closed the door
Helena: can i explain?
Dalton: Of course, you cannot explain... what is it with you? You cannot stop defining me and going against my wishes and you think you can explain?
Helena: what harm is it if i like to do useful things with my time?
Dalton: it's degrading and you know it... it's the work of servants and cooks and you couldn't pretend to be any higher than your original low class self & had to go degrade yourself not taking any account how it reflects on my image in this house?!

Helena's eyes were gathering frozen tears but snapped back: how dare you? My parents insisted i learn everything and be independent and knowledgeable of different things, so that if life gets ugly i would know how to manage things... how dare you look down at this type of work or at me for knowing all about it... i hate your arrogance... i hate your empty pride.. I hate the day i came here.

She burst out and walked to her room broken and feeling hurt and insulted, he was breaking her spirits. He couldn't stop putting her down... she knew that there was nothing she would say to make him look differently at her and part of her, didn't even care... After all, why should she care for this heartless person?

Every time she wanted to do or say anything; his prejudice blinds him and deafens his logic... she was furious... she couldn't stay inside her room; instead she went for another long walk... away from the palace and the amount of resentment he had for her.

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