Chapter 42: Shopping

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The following day Auntie Victoria told them that she reserved them all an Opera performance as Dalton asked.
Helena's eyes widened with happiness as he was annoyed at his auntie for spoiling his surprise; Helena smiled and understood: that's a beautiful surprise Dalton.
Auntie Victoria said arrogantly: but this can't go lightly... the whole town will be at the opera house... what will you both wear?
Helena smiled softly: that's very thoughtful Auntie... I wish I had a different shoes... but I guess I have a nice dress that will do.
Dalton: nonsense... we go after breakfast and we have new elegant clothes... I too don't have anything that fits... but Auntie please, let Helena chose couple of more dresses, gloves, underdresses, hats... we will be coming to town more often.
Auntie Victoria smiled: nothing makes me happier than you both being here... I know I don't talk much... but this Helena of yours Dalton is so special... she has taste and character... she's no simple village girl.
Dalton smiled and looked proud of Helena who thanked Victoria for her kind words.

Before going shopping Helena asked Dalton if possible to lend her couple of Pounds that she needed for the orphanage at the end of the street
Dalton: here is five Pounds, what will you do with the money
Helena was surprised at his fast generous payment: that's a lot... I just wanted to buy them fruits and blankets... and I will pay you back once we go home
Dalton looked deeply into her eyes and kissed her forehead: no, you won't... I love we do that together... actually thinking about it, if we keep it till tomorrow, we have more time to even go and spend time with the little kids.. I saw your eyes every time we passed by the orphanage and when you kept waiving to them and they waived back...
Helena smiled and kissed his cheek: thank you Dalton... that would make me so happy
Dalton looked at her then held her warmly: you're happy we take fruits to the orphanage more than you're happy buying new dresses hats and things for you? Where have you been hiding Helena? Why didn't I meet you years ago, before...
He cut off his words. Helena looked into his deep eyes that were now filled with sadness... he slipped away and left the room before she could speak...

They both looked extremely elegant and Auntie Victoria also looked beautiful in the dress Helena whispered to Dalton to buy for her.
The lady was right when she said that the whole town would be there, Helena's heart dropped at finding also people from her own town. They smiled coldly as they passed by her.
Dalton too noticed and felt Helena's sudden sadness.
Dalton: what's wrong princess
Helena swallowed difficulty: too many people... can I go to the toilet quickly?
Dalton: sure... will be waiting here by the bar... come for a glass of wine.
Helena was trying to control her panic as more and more people from York were there and their cold smiles were suffocating her.

She hid herself quickly into a toilet and sat trying to control her breathing before a panic attack takes over her... she tried to remember how Dalton told her to inhale and keep the breath inside and exhale slowly..
She heard women in the powder room adjacent to the toilets speaking
Lady one: did you see Nana?? I told you I saw her at the race
Lady two: I didn't think it was her at the race, but now I saw her closely... she looks beautiful still... my heart is broken for her and more for her mother
Lady one: Oh, please... they pretended to be very smart but look how they spent their money on her education? If they kept this money aside, they would have paid the debt... now their reputation is gone for good
Lady two: I don't know... I still don't understand how Judge Black got all their property frozen? Nana could still sell and pay... her father wouldn't have been prisoned in the first place.
Lady one: Again, it's that stupid arrogant Nana refusing to marry Judge Black's son when he proposed... of course he brought her nose to the ground.
Helena was just sitting in the toilet unable to move when Auntie Victoria came calling her... she had to go out: I'm here Auntie.
Victoria: well, are you fine my child? You got us worried!
Helena went to the sink to wash her face silently when she did her best to smile at the two ladies who froze at seeing her.

She was about to leave the toilet with Victoria when two other ladies walked into them and after the introductions said to Victoria that they had gossiping to do.
Helena smiled and excused to go to Dalton who must be worried.

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