Chapter 15: Angie

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Small knocking took her out of her angry thoughts; when she ordered the person to come in; little Angelica come with her bright face, her voice was full of excitement: are you my new Mama?
Helena looked puzzled when Adele also came into the room: I'm sorry Ma'am... she couldn't settle since she saw you in the wedding
Helena looked back to the hesitant girl: well, beautiful... who in the world wouldn't want to be your Mama? Your eyes are full of brilliance and I can tell you are very smart
Adele smiled: yes ma'am, she's very clever
Helena took Angelica on her lap: that's very good... so I'm Helena and you are..?
Dalton came in with an amazing charming smile: that's my sweet little princess Angelica... come to daddy baby
Angelica screamed with joy as she ran off hugging her father when he looked with annoyed face at Helena: we could have just said how beautiful she looked, couldn't we?
Helena didn't know what made him angry but insisted: brains over beauty; that's how I was raised.
Angelica looked at her: daddy, is she my new Mama... can I call her Mama?
Helena didn't know what he wants but his eyes were filled suddenly with pain as he looked at his child: what do you think we go play in the sun?
Angelica looked sad: but I want to play with her and I want her to turn so her dress turns and the skirt becomes big and shin with the little stars like she was walking in the church
Helena open her arms and kneeled down: come sweet baby; let's turn together
Angelica whimpered in Dalton's arms till he put her down& ran in excitement into Helena who hugged her moving into circles with the child who was laughing and screaming to her loudest with joy... Every time Helena stopped, Angelica would beg: again white angel... again
Dalton had to stop her after couple of time: Angie baby... you will end up with an upset stomach... enough please
Helena put her down and kneeled smiling at her: now can I have a little hug please, only if you want!
Angelica hugged her softly: will you play with me every day Mama?
Pain stroke her heart as she noticed Dalton's face turn into steel: I would love to, sweet Angie... can I call you Angie or that's the name daddy only says
Angelica looked at her father but not waiting: Angie like daddy.
This little kid changed Helena's mood completely, she even told herself that she will know how to deal with this horrible lawyer later.. But for now, she was so taken by this sweet little girl that stole her heart.
Helena's eyes were glued at the girl while Dalton was watching her... Angie jumped all around them when Dalton signaled to Adele to take her to the garden.
Helena followed the child with her eyes till she went out of the room, but her heart suddenly dropped at Dalton looking angrily at her while taking off his elegant jacket.
Dalton: you just couldn't keep it simple and say she's pretty?!
Helena: I've just explained, everyone is too used to praise girls' beauty and that's not as important as praising their brains. Plus we already connected, isn't that more important?
Dalton: again, if you are trying to impress me with these stupidities you are saying, you are failing.
Helena was getting annoyed and spoke firmly: I'm not at all trying to impress you or anyone... and that was not stupid... I don't know which part of it you don't approve... but honestly, I don't care... that's my opinion.
Dalton was so fed up with her defining him: you are so full of yourself and there is nothing worse to me than a woman being arrogant.
Helena couldn't believe they were already having another angry dispute: I honestly cannot believe we are disputing about why I didn't tell the child she's beautiful. Anyways, I would like to be left alone to change and sleep; didn't have any sleep last night.

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