Chapter 3

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The rest of the ride to shore was silent. No one knew what else to say. The Pevensies grieved over their lost Narnia, Trumpkin remained as silent as possible, and Gwen despite trying to comfort her friends, took in all of her surroundings in childish awe.

Once coming ashore, the anchor was weighed and everyone stretched their legs.

"I've had more adventure and first-time experiences in the past few hours than I have in years," Gwen laughed. 

Peter gave a smile, happy to see his honorary sister joyful. There wasn't much to be glad about in her life back home, so when she was happy, he was elated. 

After helping get the boat on land, Gwen found Lucy a few feet away, approaching a bear. 

Alarm coursed through her. "Lucy! Get back here!" 

Lucy turned to face Gwen. "It's alright! They're friendly here!"  

"Don't move, Your Majesty," Trumpkin called, keeping his voice steadier than Gwen's had been. 

The bear charged toward Lucy. Gwen's breathing came raggedly as she hurried to Edmund, who was the closest to her. 


His eyes widened at the scene of Lucy running and the bear chasing her. The group rushed to Lucy as she let out a scream when she fell. 

Susan had nocked an arrow, poised to let it fly.

"Shoot, Susan, shoot!" Edmund cried.

Seconds later, as an arrow pierced through it, the bear fell to the ground leaving Lucy unharmed. Gwen gasped for breath as she ran to her young friend and helped her up. Lucy clutched Gwen's arm, holding on for dear life as Peter shoved Lucy and Gwen behind him. 

Susan stood motionless as her still loaded bow hung toward the ground. Trumpkin lowered his now empty bow. 

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan asked.

"I suspect he was hungry." Trumpkin replied. He approached the bear, making sure it was dead, which it thankfully was. 

"He was wild," Edmund said.

"I don't think he could talk at all," Peter said, sparing glances at the others. 

Lucy trembled against Gwen as she held her. 

"You're a brave little thing, Lu," Gwen whispered. "I would have fainted." 

Trumpkin knelt before the bear with a dagger in hand. "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become. You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

Gwen gave Lucy over to Peter as she hid her face away from the scene that was unfolding before them all. 

"Are you okay?" She touched Susan's shoulder, finding it tense. 

"I...I...I thought I could shoot. I--I froze. I couldn't move. She could have died, Gwen." Susan's eyes began to turn red.

Gwen pulled her friend into an embrace. "She's safe now, that's all that matters. You did what you could. We all freeze sometimes." 

Susan shook her head.

"Please don't make yourself feel guilty. You did your best." 

Susan nodded after a moment. "Thank you, Gwen," 

"Let's start on our way. We're wasting time." Trumpkin said. 

"Where are we going now?" Gwen asked him. 

"To the Shuddering Woods. It was where I last saw Prince Caspian. Hopefully, he'll still be there." 

"Thank goodness for our dear little friend," Lucy said as she passed next to Gwen and Susan. "I don't want to know what would have happened if he hadn't had his bow." 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now