Chapter 36

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 "It's not as cold as it was yesterday when we arrived," Gwen said. 

"You're right, it's warmer,"

Gwen sat on the stone bench in the garden, brushing out all of the snow that had accumulated on her gown. "The snow is still so high and thick." She ran her hand through the soft powder. Then an idea came to mind. She turned to Caspian who had just sat next to her. 

"Have you ever heard of snow angels?"

His brow scrunched. "Are they some sort of creature like nymphs?"

"Oh no," she smiled. "I have to show you! I used to do these all the time. Now, I just have to figure out how to do it in this dress." 

She trudged over to a clear spot and pulled her skirts around. She stood with her arms and legs spread apart. 

"Okay, so this is how you do it. You spread your arms and legs apart and fall back onto the snow." 

Caspian watched in rapt attention as Gwen fell to the ground. 

"Now, you wave your arms and legs like so." She demonstrated and Caspian laughed at the comical movements. 

Gwen sat up, brushing the snow from her clothes. "Now, you carefully stand up." 

Gwen began to stand, only to lose her balance and fall back onto her rear end. 

"Gwen!" Caspian called through laughter. He hurried to help his wife up, only for her to fall back onto the ground in her bout of laughter. 


Gwen held her stomach as she laughed harder. "Yes I'm--fine. I--can't--b--breathe." 

At that Caspian fell next to her, laughing just as hard.

 Gwen turned her head once she could contain her laughter, finding Caspian staring at her. 

"Is something wrong?" 

"No. Nothing at all," 

He rose to help Gwen up and as they found their footing, Gwen smirked as he leaned down, only for him to be met with a handful of snow instead of a kiss. A giggle bubbled up her throat as he stumbled back.

"Is there something wrong now?"

A mischievous look flickered in Caspian's eyes. "Yes, there is now!" 

Gwen squealed as she saw the amount of snow Caspian had scooped up. "No, Caspian, no!" 

She hiked her skirts up, running away, only to feel cold snow pummel her back. 

She picked up a handful, quickly formed a snowball, and hurled it at him. It smacked him in the eye, and he fell back to the ground. 

She started to laugh, but as a few seconds passed, he didn't get up. 

"C--Caspian? Are you alright?" 

No answer. 

She hurried over to him, kneeling in the snow. "Caspian? Love, don't play with me. Are you alright?" 

No answer. 

"Caspian! Wake up, come on!" 

Gwen frantically searched the pile of snow that came from her snowball, hoping she hadn't picked up a rock in the handful she grabbed. She didn't see anything. 

"Caspian, I--"

She was stopped by Caspian jerking up from the snow. She slapped his shoulder. He started laughing again as he fell back on the ground. 

"Caspian, you scared the living daylights out of me! Don't you dare do that again! I thought you had gotten hit with a rock in the snow I picked up!" 

He smiled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist," 

She crossed her arms over her chest, looking away from him, concocting a plan in her mind.  "I'm still mad at you." 

"Oh, Gwendolyn, don't be like that, it was a little joke." He sat up. 

She stood up, hiding her hands that were full of snow. 

"What can I do to make it up to you?" 

Gwen shifted her heels, lifting her dress from the ground. A smirk lit her lips as she threw the snow at him. He sputtered as the snow hit him square in the face. 

"Oh, I'm going to get you back for that." He smirked. 

"You'll have to catch me first!" 


Gwen sat at the vanity braiding her hair that night. "My hair is getting so long." 

He came behind her. "I remember when it touched your collar."

She smiled. "That was during my first trip here. It was still growing out from being cut so many times." 

He rubbed her shoulders. "What a wonderful day that was when I met you."

"I remember when I first saw you. I held your gaze until you turned away. I was confused as to why you were staring at me." she laughed, looking up at him. 

He chuckled. "I'd sworn to myself that I had never seen a more beautiful girl. I still haven't." 

"We've both changed so much. Physically, mentally, emotionally." She stood. "You especially. I was so shocked when I stepped on the Treader. With your hair grown out a little more and this." She touched his jaw. "It's still odd seeing you with a beard. It makes you look so . . . old." 


She laughed. "I'm teasing. I like it." 

"And I like you," 

She smiled as stood up on her toes, kissing him and he pulled her closer. She felt his hand go through her hair, unraveling all the stitches of the braid. 

She pulled away a moment later, embracing him.

"Keep your hair down. I like it best that way." 

"Then I'll keep it down from now on."

 She pulled back, sitting down in the chair again. "You're still in your day clothes. Where are you going?"

He clasped his dark cloak over his shoulders.  "I overheard the servants earlier talking about the firewood they need for their quarters running low. I'm going to make sure they have enough. I'll be back as soon as I can. Just in case you're asleep when I get back." He kissed her head. "I love you."

"I love you too,"

She played with a strand of her hair before sitting back down at the vanity. She looked in the mirror, sighing. The girl that stared back at her was glowing and was one she wasn't used to seeing.

She liked it.  She had grown so much in her two trips to Narnia and now she had a husband who adored her, and she adored him.

It was late but she decided to wait for him, despite the growing fatigue she began to feel. She wanted to spend every second of each day with him. Yes, she knew they weren't going to be in each other's company every second, but they would still be together forever.  Forever was a long time, and she was glad she had it. 

I Will Always Love You-Prince Caspian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now