💖Cute Things You do💖

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Your now four years old!!!!!


💜🍜Naruto and Hinata🍜💜
•Your smile just brightens everyone's day
•Your evil laugh when your bored
•You go around saying Dattebane
•When you play/dance in the rain

🌸🍅Sasuke and Sakura🍅🌸
•When you say 'Hn'
•When you sleep, and when you talk in your sleep
•Walk around with your hands in you pockets
•When you smile which is rare

😈💤Shikamaru and Temari💤😈
•When you make an O with your hands when you concentrate
•When you fall asleep next to your brother
•How clumsy you are
•How you cuddle with your blanket because your scared of the dark

💐🖌Sai and Ino🖌💐
•When you hum to yourself
•When you paint your family
•How soft you speak if you want something
•Your smirk when you got something right or won

•How fast you change your emotions
•When a fidget with things
•When you laugh at something that isn't even funny
•When you trip over your own feet then hide your face from embarrassment

•How you always try to act scary but it never works
•When you chase the butterflies and try to catch them
•When you stick out your tongue and then try to lick Iruka
•How you always smile no matter the problem

I'm so tired. Well guys I have absolutely NO life. That's why I have been posting a lot. Because I HAVE NO LIFE!!! So ya ☺️ I'm hungry but it's 2:15 in the morning, and I'm to lazy to move. That's probably why I don't have a life, to lazy. Lol hope you guys have a great day, or night.

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