𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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"positive.." she muttered in disbelief.

solbin body started shaking, her breathing uneven and tears in her eyes. she started shaking her head continuously and the grip on the test loosened causing the object to fall on the ground.

she ran her fingers through her hair shaking her head. "no, no, no!" she kept repeating. tears streamed done her face. she was shaking uncontrollably. dahee knew exactly what was happening.

solbin was having a panic attack.

dahee immediately went into action. she quickly wrapped her arms around solbin and whispered to her comforting words. solbin sobbed in her friend's chest in fear. she was still shaking alot too.

after a few minutes, solbin calmed down a bit and pulled away from her bestfriend's hold. she sat there on the bed sniffing.

"what am i gonna do? how am i gonna tell him?" solbin started panicking again and tears streamed down her face. "tell who?" dahee asked. "how am i gonna tell jaemin?!"

dahee's eyes widened. she knew solbin did have sex with jaemin but she didn't think it would result to this. dahee hugged the younger again as solbin cried again.

"listen solbin. no matter what happens i will suppoert you a hundred percent." dahee said. "if you decide to keep the baby or not, i will still love and support you. don't stress too much, it's bad for you and the baby. everything will be alright, okay?" dahee finished. solbin nodded her head.

the two friends sat there hugging for a while. the only thing you hear is solbin's occasionally sniffs.

"hey dahee." solbin said.

"hm?" dahee replied.

"thank you."


a groan left the teenager's lips as she woke up. solbin rubbed her eyes, trying to get away the sleepiness. she sat up and stopped rubbing her eyes. her squinted eyes looked around and noticed how dark it was. she took her phone, which was on her bedside table, and looked at the time.


it was nighttime since solbin slept after dahee had left and went home. solbin felt her throat feel dry and got out to get some water. she walked down stairs in the quiet, dark house in silence. her mom wasn't even awake as she had work tomorrow.

solbin went on her tippy toes to reach the glass in the cardboard as she was only 5'0. yeah, pretty short. she got grasp of it and went over to the sink and poured herself a glass of water.

solbin gulped down the water and sat the glass down on the counter. she spaced out of a few minutes, thinking. thinking about what she had discovered this afternoon. thinking about how scared she was. thinking about how this could change her life. thinking about how to tell her parents.

thinking about how to tell the father.

without noticing, tears streamed down her face. when she noticed, she quickly whiped her tears, placed the glass in the sink and ran upstairs to her room. she shut the door as quietly as she could and layed on her bed. she snuck under her covers and cried.

she sobbed and cried all her emotions out. she felt so stressed and tired. all the sudden information made her feel overwhelmed. she wasn't ready to be a mother only at the age of 17 turning 18. she was scared to tell her parents. she was scared to tell the father, jaemin. so in simple words, she was scared.

the thought of having to go to school tomorrow made her sob harder. she made sure to cry in her pillow though, not wanting her parents to hear her and be forced to tell them what's wrong. she didn't want that.

and just like that, solbin cried herself to sleep.

and just like that, solbin cried herself to sleep

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i finally had time to post.
i'm so fricking happy :D

hope u enjoyed^^
and stay safe <33

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