I hate you, Sasuke Uchiha

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"There's those times you want to forget not because you regret but you just don't want to get the flashbacks to something in the past that you won't ever have. "-Ariana Moran

Izami huffed as the three kunai hit the targets, but missed their marks. She scowled slightly, and wiped the sweat that was forming on her brow. Izami knew that she could hit the marks. This was a skill she had always been able to do the best. Her anger and frustration that she still felt from her interaction with Sasuke nearly four hours before had something to do with her concentration, and aim being off. She knew that much. Izami drew her wrists back, and the light colored charka strings attached to the kunai came back to her hands. She quickly caught them in her hands, readying herself to throw again, but someone interrupted her before she could do so.

"Oh, Izami-chan, you're using this field?" Izami, still out of breath glanced over at Sakura, who stood with three young ninja.

Beside her was a team of three. The first was a girl of twelve with short brown hair, and grey eyes. She was wearing a black, calf-length dress with a purple sash tied around her mid-section. She had black ninja shoes on, and her headband was tied around her forehead. She had a small smile on her face. The second, who stood on the other side of Sakura, was a short boy or the same age with spiked black hair, and violet colored eyes. He wore a red shirt with a purple triangle in the center, and blue ninja shoes. His ninja headband was tied to his right arm, and he wore a bored expression. The last, who stood by the girl, was another boy with curly, dark brown hair, and vivid blue-violet eyes. He wore a yellow shirt, and black pants with blue ninja shoes. His headband was being used as a belt. He was grinning widely, his hands behind his head.

Genin. Sakura-chan must be their Sensei.

Izami concluded as she gathered up her tools.

"Don't worry about that, Sakura-chan. I was just leaving." Izami gathered the last of her tools, and then glanced over at Sakura, and her team." These new Genin?" Izami just had to state the obvious. Again. Though Sakura didn't seem to mind as she just grinned, and nodded.

"Yupp, I'm about to administer the Bell Test Kakashi-sensei gave my old team." Sakura's tone had turned a bit nostalgic. Izami nodded, not really understanding the sentiment, and then began to move out of the way.

"Well...Have fun." Really, she had no idea what else she could have said to Sakura. Sakura giggled, and then looked at her team with a playful glint. Izami sighed, a sort of painful pang going off in her chest, and used teleportation jutsu to quickly get out of there.


Izami sighed as she sat at a cafe, drinking some coffee as she tried to gather her own thoughts. It was nearing six the afternoon, almost six hours after her fight with Sasuke, and she still wasn't in a good mood, which didn't make the slightest of sense. She was supposed to be angry, and hate Sasuke! Not feel bad that they got into a fight, and he probably won't talk to her again because of the stupid fight. Sometimes, she wondered how her brain simply didn't explode itself from the way it contradicts itself at times.

"Maybe it's for the best. This is what I wanted, isn't it?" She whispered out loud to herself, a bit dejected as she stared into her cooling sup of coffee. Her appetite had slowly lost itself as she got lost in her own self-pity, and annoyance. That's why she preferred to stay home. At least she could be this way with no one to judge her.

"Hey, Izami, what are you doing here? You're usually at home cooking by now." Izami glanced up at Kakashi, had already sensed him, and smiled weakly, hoping to look convincing even if she knew very well how much she was failing at that aspect.

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