Moving In

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 Chapter Sixty-Three:

Another three days passed, and the three were back in the Leaf. Izami felt oddly happy about being in the familiar place. As much as she felt comfortable being in Kumo, Kohona felt more like home than anywhere else.

Izami's first day home was reporting to Lady Tsuande, who had berated her for about five minutes before welcoming her home. Once Izami was dismissed, Sasuke had taken her out to a small cafe before taking her back to his house, and showing her the finished nursery he had spent much of his free time fixing up, and getting everything just right.

"I even unpacked some of my old baby clothes, and toys that survived over the years. I figured that would save some money." He announced almost too proudly when Izami asked where he had gotten everything." I got a job with this old man at his tool shop. It's been slow work, but it pays well. Not that we really need the money, but it's always nice to have that extra money. Plus, it's kept me busy." Izami smiled, and ran her hands over a dark blue blanket. Sasuke stared at her, watching her every expression as she took in the whole room.

"You painted my family symbol here too?" Izami glanced back at Sasuke with a small smile. Sasuke shrugged.

"I thought you'd like it."

"Unnecessary, but it is rather nice." Sasuke nodded, looking around the room, trying to avoid her stare." Is this acceptable?" Izami picked up an old looking, green dinosaur toy, smiling slightly.

I remember this old thing. I'm surprised he still kept it all this time. Izami sat the toy back down in its original spot, and looked at Sasuke with a smile.

"It's perfect. I can't believe how much work you put into this."

"I had some help. Mostly from Naruto. So it wasn't all just me." He glanced back at Izami, who was still smiling as she shrugged, and looked around the room again, and then looked at him.

"It's still nice." Sasuke nodded, and wound his arm around her waist, pulling her close to his side.

"I want you to move in." Izami stiffened up, and looked up at him with wide eyes, as if she was scared. Sasuke looked at her with an eyebrow raised." You look like I just asked you to sell your soul to the devil." He chuckled slightly, and shook his head in amusement." Is moving in with me that bad?"

"No..I just...Well, I...I don't know!" Izami blushed very slightly, her eyes darting around the room. Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"You can't tell me it's too soon. Or that we're not at that level yet. Having a kid usually tends to come after marriage. Which, by the way, comes after having living together. We've skipped like two steps. It's not that bad."


"Besides, the baby's room is over at my house. I have everything ready. I don't think you'll have anything ready by the time it comes, and I highly doubt you'll want to be apart from your son for any amount of time.." Sasuke's tone trailed off. Izami looked down at her stomach, contemplating for a moment, and then nodded slowly. Sasuke smirked, feeling victorious." So, when do we go get your stuff?"

"When...When I'm rested. I feel...I don't know, tired?" She looked up at Sasuke with an eyebrow raised, as if unsure how she was feeling. Sasuke smiled, and squeezed her tightly for just a moment.

"Then, let's go get some rest." He whispered, kissing her cheek. Izami nodded slightly, smiling. Sasuke kissed her cheek again, and then lead her out of the room.


The next day, Izami's day was filled with activity. Izami had lunch with most members from the Rookie Nine and a few other people, a welcoming present that Sakura organized.

"I can't believe you guys are actually having a baby. It's not that long ago you two were at each other's throats." Tenten spoke with a teasing glint to her voice. Izami smiled slightly.

"Trust me, that hasn't changed very much."

"It's a...Boy isn't it?" Kiba asked, feeding a piece of meat to Akamaru, and petting his dog's head. Izami look lingered on him for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Yeah. It's a boy."

"A-any names?" Hinata asked with a shy smile. Izami smiled at her, feeling less awkward around Hinata than anybody else.

"No. No name yet, but...He will have Sasuke's last name. I thought it would be..Fitting."

"How nice." Kiba replied dryly, almost jealousy, but commented no further. Sakura looked at everyone, who seemed to be eating in awkward silence, and then looked at Izami and Sasuke, smiling.

"It's so nice having you home."

"Yeah. Now Sasuke-kun can stop being such a grump ass." Naruto complained. Izami smirked over at Sasuke teasingly. He merely rolled her eyes and gave her a look that seemed to say:

"Don't even go there."

Even so, Izami couldn't help but to still give him teasing looks throughout the lunch.

After that, Kakashi helped Sasuke move some of Izami's things into Sasuke's house, though he was slightly unpleased internally to hear that she was moving in with Sasuke, but said nothing on the fact. They set the boxes down in the living room, and Kakashi quickly left after having Izami promise to call him later.

Once Kakashi had left, Sasuke took a moment to rest. His dark colored eyes looked over to Izami, who looked down at her stomach with a slight smile.

"What's on your mind?" Izami looked up, and smiled very slightly, her hand started stroking her round stomach.

"I'm just thinking." Sasuke looked at her stomach, and then at her with an eyebrow raised slightly.

"About our son?" Izami shrugged slightly.

"About alot of things." Izami then straightened out her posture, and cleared her throat." So where am I staying?"

"Well...I was hoping...In my bedroom?" Izami blushed, and stiffened up. Sasuke seemed to get a bit flustered himself, which added some amusement to Izami's otherwise discomfort." I mean, if you..You want. There's plenty of space in this house...I just thought...Ah forget it. I'll just clear one of the-"

"I'll stay in your bedroom." Izami spoke fast, bringing another blush to her face. Sasuke looked at her in surprise, and then, as quickly as it appeared, it was replaced by a smirk.

"Just try not to take up all the space." Izami rolled her eyes slightly.

"I'll try not to." She mumbled, much to Sasuke's amusement.

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