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 Chapter Sixty-Five:

A/n: This is more or less a filler chappie. There's gonna be little to no dialog. So, it will probably be one of the shorter chappies in a very, very long while. Hope you guys enjoy~! Happy Readings~!

Since Sasuke had gotten most everything beforehand, and a Baby Shower Ino had thrown for the couple. So, they were set for a good three or so months, at least according to Sasuke's calculations. However, it was adjusting to life with Hitomu that difficult for the both of them.

Hitomu was a very fussy child. It didn't matter what Izami or Sasuke did to please him, he cried almost constantly. He did have rare moments where he was quiet. He always seemed to have those moments when they were out in public, where Hitomu seemed more content on just watching things, and babbling. He seemed most active at night, crying and fussing all night, leaving almost no hours for either Izami or Sasuke to sleep very much.

Sasuke seemed to absolutely spoil his son. Hitomu almost never left Sasuke's arms, and was always near him. Sasuke's whole attention seemed to shift from her to Hitomu, which Izami tried her damnest not to feel jealousy over. However, Izami remedied this by having her own time away from the house. She went out with the girls a few times, and seemed to be getting closer to Sakura than she had ever planned on before. Izami also spent time with Kakashi, strengthening what had been their weaking relationship. Kakashi never did show her his girlfriend, which made her suspicious, but she never really voiced her opinion on the matter. He always acted shady about it anyways. So, she never really made a big deal out of it.

Sasuke returned to being a shinobi almost full time by the time Hitomu turned five months. He was away on missions most of the time, and on his days off, he spent that time working at the tool shop. He always returned home by sundown to spend time with Izami and his son. Izami quickly returned to being a kuinochi before Sasuke did. Kakashi watched the baby on most days when both were away on missions, which made Izami happy.

The one thing all of them kept an extra eye out for was any news on Kabuto. Just as quickly as he had appeared, he had disappeared again. He was a crafty one, never leaving any trace of where he had gone. The one it worried above all else was Sasuke, though he kept that as deeply hidden as possible. He didn't want to bother anyone else with his worries, especially if they proved to be fruitless, but he had good reason to be suspicious of Kabuto's intentions. To add fuel to the flame, Sasuke was also suspicious of Wabisuke. The man was acting more strange in his last few months in Kohona than he had ever before. He couldn't prove anything, and he didn't want to stir anything up until he had undeniable proof, so he kept his suspicions to himself. He just kept a watchful eye on anything that seemed out of place, and kept note.

As Hitomu got older, he hit his milestones early on. It was clear to everyone just how smart the child really was. At two months, he was already rolling around slightly on the floor, and butt scooting across the floor just a month and a half later. At seven months old, just four months after learning to butt scoot to places, he was walking. At nine months, he was speaking a few words here and there. By the time he was a year, his vocabulary was larger than most toddlers his age.

When Hitomu was eighteen months, Sasuke was wanting another child. However, when Sasuke broached the subject with Izami, she was resistant. She wanted to focus on rising Hitomu. At least for awhile, which Sasuke understood. But that didn't stop him from bringing it up at night, much to the annoyance of Izami.

Over all, things were peaceful, despite the underlining tension that almost everyone was starting to feel as time went on. However, the peace was nice. The peace was better than the stress the past four years had brought to their lives, and it was a welcome change.

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