The end begins Now

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Chapter Seventy-Three:

Izami quickly ran towards Sasuke. His dark colored eyes looked at her, an angry expression on his face. Kabuto smirked, taking advantage of Sasuke's distracted attention, and went to attack him with charka. Izami, however, managed to move Sasuke out of the way, taking the hit herself. Izami whimpered slightly, falling to the ground. Sasuke grunted slightly as her hands wrapped themselves involuntarily around his ankles, sending him to the ground as well.

"S-sorry, Sasuke-kun." Izami whispered, standing to her feet again. Sasuke had the wind knocked out of him, causing him not to move for a few moments." I'm ending this."

"You're starting to sound like a broken record." Kabuto mocked. Izami steeled herself, ready for his next attack. It quickly came.

Kabuto had drawn out his small katana, running towards her, Izami knew what he was going to do. She was quick to react. She had grown enough power where she didn't need to slam her hands on the ground to get the earth to move to her will, she merely planted her feet firmly on the ground, straightening out one leg, and raised her foot slightly was enough to rise the earth slightly, enough to cause Kabuto to rip slightly over his feet. However, he was use to her tricks. He sliced the sword into the ground, and used it as a balancing tip. He swung slightly, one foot out, and kicked Izami in the stomach. Enough pressure, and he sent her to the other tree. It wasn't enough power to cause the tree any damage, but it was enough to cause her pain.

"I got you." Kabuto muttered under his breath, running towards Izami for a second attack.

Sasuke immediately rose to his feet, looking at Izami as she recovered from the attack enough to stand up, and prepare for an attack. Izami looked at him, scowling, and shaking her head. He knew that expression all too well. His eyes then roamed over to Naruto, and Sakura. Sakura looked at him in worry. Naruto recovered enough, but was sitting up. Sakura's arm was still around his shoulders.

"I'll go with them.." He whispered, and ran over to them quickly.


Kabuto and Izami's fight was drawn out. It seemed like Kabuto got Izami more than Izami got him. Izami had cuts, and scrapes all over her body, and sweat poured off her like she had just stepped out of water. Kabuto seemed less affected. He had a few scrapes, and cuts, and dirt on him, but was otherwise in a far better condition than Izami. Sasuke was half tempted to get over, and help her, but she would shot them all glares every time they so much as flinched towards her direction. Izami wanted to do this on her own.

"You just annoy me." Kabuto growled out, poising his katana gain. Izami looked at Kabuto, confused, but still tense up, ready for a fight." You can't even look at me. Am I not intimidating enough for you?!" Izami said nothing." You can't even say anything to me." Izami didn't see the next attack coming. Kabuto had managed to run the katana through her abdomen. Izami gasped, shaking, hands trying to stop the katana from going any further into her abdomen. Kabuto, however, made no attempt to do so. He merely held the katana in place, watching her as she gasped slightly, shaking as she tried to get it out of her. Kabuto merely moved it back into place, a sadistic expression on his face. Izami gasped slightly, squeezing her eyes shut as she lowered her head.

"Wh-why?" Izami questioned softly, hands trembling. The question seemed to catch Kabuto off guard.

"Why? You ask me why?" Izami looked up at him, body trembling, she barely had the energy to nod." Because you have something I want. Something I'll even kill for. Want to know what that thing is?" Izami said nothing, but her eyes looked towards Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, who had immediately stood up, eyes widened. Sasuke was ready to charge.

I...I have to...Have to...Keep...Can't...Get...Get them...Keep them safe...Izami thought. Kabuto frowned, scowling at Izami as she looked at him.

"Wh-why..." Her voice trailed off again, her voice slowly weaking. Kabuto scowled again.

"You have power." He finished, sending the rest of the sword through Izami's abdomen. Izami eyes widened out. She had no time to think of anything as her senses went numb. She was aware of her surroundings, but nothing seemed to completely register in her mind.

"Izami!" Izami knew that voice. Sasuke. She wanted to tell him something, but couldn't. Her voice wasn't cooperating with her mind. Her body went limp as the world went dark around her.

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