Izami Visits!

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Izami wasn't sure how to really feel about being alone in his house with him. Sure, he had been to her house a few times. And, sure, they were alone, but there was something different about being alone with him. In his house. It felt more intimate. It just felt different than him being alone with her at her place.

Sure, in the past she had been to his place plenty of times, but she hadn't been there since they were both eleven years old. Besides, things were different between them then than they were now. Back then, they were only friends. Now...Now they were dating. Together. It was just different. Her nerves felt more on edge than they had felt in a long time, but she tried not to let it show.

Izami looked up at his house, her eyes taking in the size for the first time in ages. The outside was very familiar looking. It bought her back to her childhood when she would come over, the few times that she was invited over. The outside was white, and not the peeling white that she remembered when Sasuke started letting the house go to shambles. The windows even looked brand new. She could only imagine what the inside looked like if the outside looked so brand new.

"Are you ok?" He asked, feeling a bit awkward for the first time in a really long time. Izami glanced at him, and nodded slightly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said simply, moving a piece of her light brown hair behind her ear. She looked at him, smiling softly." Well, are we going in or what?" Sasuke paused again, and then nodded, turning the knob on his door.

"I haven't really had time to clean." Sasuke's tone was almost embarrassed. Izami glanced at him, and shrugged.

"That's ok." She said simply. Sasuke nodded, opening the door to let her inside the house. She was quick to enter. Sasuke was quick to follow after her.


Izami wasn't sure what she expected Sasuke's house to look like when she entered. She remembered what it was like when they were younger. The floor creaked, and the walls were dingy. Boxes were stacked every which place. It was like back then he didn't care what his home looked like. She didn't understand then, and it still confuses her now, but she never questioned. So, she wasn't really sure what to expect as she walked into his house.

Now, it was completely cleaned out. The walls were re-painted their original white color. The floors looked new, and no longer creaked. The whole house seemed to have been re-built. It seems that Sasuke had tried to keep the house in good shape. The walls looked freshly painted white. The floors looked like they had been replaced, and they no longer creaked with every step she made. The living room had actual furniture that wasn't torn, or coated in dust. In fact, the furniture looked new. There was even a tv, and a radio. There were no boxes. In fact, it was realtivly clean other than a few dishes, and clothes laying about.

The living room had few furniture in it. A couch was pushed nearly towards the center, nearly connecting with the recliner that was in front of a tv. On the right side of the recliner, the part not connecting with the couch, had a small night stand with a single lamp. Beside the lamp was a small book that was leather bound. A door separated the kitchen, or what Izami assumed to be the kitchen, from the living room. She assumed the dining area was also in that area.

"Enjoying the view or what?" Sasuke was slightly embarrassed, and slightly amused by her looking around with ,what seemed like an inspectors, look at his home. Izami looked over at Sasuke, nodding slightly.

"It's...Nice." Really she had no idea what else to say, and Sasuke seemed to pick up on that part. He smirked, giving a half laugh, and moved past her just a bit.

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