What is happening?! (Rose Lavelle)

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Warning: An utterly confuzled Emily Sonnett lies ahead.

(Y/n) sat at the table eating her breakfast in silence as she watched the more rowdy and energetic teammates messing around or making conversation with others. Her brows furrowed as she listened to some of the lingo or terms the youngsters were using, at points not understanding them or finding it weird.

But to each their own, she guessed.

She looked over her shoulder to the entrance of the team's makeshift mess hall at this point, and saw Rose walk in. (Y/n) felt her brows relax, taking on a more neutral expression contrary to the thoughtful or confused one she just had.

Looking back at her food, (Y/n) lets her thoughts go blank for a while until Rose sits next to her. (Y/n) put's the arm opposite of Rose, across her lap under the table, Rose holding hands with her hand that's next to (Y/n).

(Y/n) felt like she became lighter, enjoying Rose's touch but sadly the peace didn't last long as it was time for practice.


(Y/n) was gathering all of her stuff after practice was over but before she was finish Sonnett came up to her, pretending to hold a microphone to her using the deodorant bottle.

"So Miss (L/n), will you tell us your secret?"

(Y/n) wasn't entertained by the trickster, keeping a natural expression. The "microphone" was pointed at (Y/n) preparing to catch her every word.

(Y/n) just shook her head turning to her things, zipping up her things, throwing them over her shoulder.

Leaving in silence, making Sonnett put her hands on her hips, turning the mic on herself again, "And there you have it, folks, apparently she'll take them to her grave."

Most of the team shaking their heads even laughing at Sonnett's behavior.


(Y/n) and Rose had left team bonding early to get some shut eye. Rose had fallen asleep, surprisingly, on (Y/n) almost falling over before (Y/n) caught her.

She quietly said she was going to get Rose to bed and no one had time to say anything to her as (Y/n) was already exiting the room carefully while holding a sleeping Rose.

The team looked at each other questioningly, then yet again Sonnett was the one to break the silence. "Do you think anyone will ever find Rose's body?"

"It's a valid question!" Sonnett tried to defend herself when she received a sharp look from some of her teammates.

"I think, (Y/n) just needs time to adjust I mean, I don't think anyone knew her or she knew us before she came on the team." Ali tried to reason (Y/n)'s behavior but she also sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

"Or she just doesn't like us and we leave it at that." Pinoe was the first to say it even though she was pretty sure everyone was thinking the same thing.

The room fell quiet as it was almost like a silent agreement on what Megan had said.

"Do you think her death will be quick?"


"It's a valid- Oof!"

Sam delivered a clean smack in the face with a pillow. "No, it's not!"


(Y/n) got up, stretching her limbs, sad she had to do her morning routine and leaving her all too comfy spot next to Rose.

Finishing with everything, she headed downstairs for breakfast. (Y/n) noticed there were a few people already starting their mornings but (Y/n) seemed to catch all of their attention when she walked in.

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