No One Likes Being Hurt (Tobin Heath)

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Y/n cringed as she saw Tobin return home with a boot issued by the hospital, her heart ached knowing how much this would hurt Tobin not only physically but mentally.

"Hey, babe." Y/n tried to make things a little normal, walking over to her girlfriend.

Tobin gave one of the smallest smiles Y/n had probably ever seen if it were to even count as one.

Y/n stood there feeling slightly awkward using a small and soft voice, "If your hungry I could order something or-"

"No, it's cool, I think I'm just going to crash tonight." Tobin brushed off Y/n not feeling in the mood to be around anyone right now.

"Yeah okay, I'll ah... I'll, um sorry I let you be then." Y/n walked away to really anywhere else the apartment had to offer other than the bedroom Tobin was heading to and where she was.

The distant sound of the limp in Tobin's step that the boot created was very audible but Y/n tried not to pay attention to it. Y/n waited and listened to hear Tobin go into the other room.

Y/n stood and thought for a few moments; she thought about how this might affect Tobin, maybe their relationship, everything.

It wasn't life threatening or career ending by any means, Tobin was a badass and Y/n knew that she would recover, Y/n just hated seeing Tobin have to sit on the bench watching others play.

She broke herself out of thought, wanting to leave the thoughts in her head that weren't helping with the situation at all. Walking to the bedroom, hesitantly.


Y/n went on a morning run and got stuck in her head thinking about ways she could cheer up Tobin.

"Maybe some video games. Getting her favorites. If she gets cold I'll put a blanket in the dryer, maybe offer my hoodie in the meantime. Got to keep her away from soccer though."

In all honesty, Y/n didn't expect Tobin to come back to America for part of her recovery but she wasn't complaining.

Y/n stayed in her head as she walked back into the apartment, only somewhat expecting Tobin to be awake right now. Not seeing Heath, Y/n went to the kitchen and started making some tea.

The aroma was almost foreign to her because Y/n never made it while Tobin was in Manchester.

Y/n waited for the kettle to start whistling, taking it off of the burner. Adding the tea bag to a mug. Y/n carefully walked to the bedroom with the drink in hand.

Y/n entered with as little noise as possible, navigating with little light.

Setting the mug down quietly on the nightstand, Y/n looked over at Tobin.

Y/n brushed Tobin's hair out of her face, the painkillers probably still have her knocked out. "Love you, babe. Promise I'll be home from work as soon as possible."

Y/n kissed her forehead before heading off to work.


Tobin woke up with a surprisingly high awareness of her surroundings, almost ripping the sheets that covered her foot.

Tobin didn't know what she was expecting when she saw the elevated foot having a boot on it.

Maybe she hoped that it was all a bad dream.

Maybe months would have flown by and she'd be healed ready for her first game back.

Tobin took a deep breath collecting herself, slowly laying back down, noticing a sweet familiar smell.

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