Painting My Love (Tobin Heath)

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"Are you sure you don't want to go?"

"Yeah and don't expect me to bail out anyone."

Kelley scoffed at Y/n's joke, "Bold of you to assume I'd get caught, L/n." Before Y/n could have a witty comeback Kelley left the room.

Tobin was trying to create ideas for Re-Inc when she felt arms wrap around her.

"What are you doing Tobs?"

"Thinking of an idea. Got any spare creativity?"

Y/n chuckled, "Maybe. What have you been thinking so far?"

Looking over her shoulder Y/n saw a blank page. Kissing Tobin's shoulder Y/n mumbled, "What about working with something other than paints to get the creativity flowing? You know keep your pencil wiggling."

Y/n walked to the luggage on the floor, Tobin pondering what Y/n just said.

"Wiggling my pencil?"

"Yeah, one of my old teachers said it when we wrote in his class. I wrote whole essays because of wiggling."

Tobin giggled, "And what if my pencil has nothing to wiggle about?"

"Then wiggle about that. Write that you have nothing to write. Then out of boredom, something will happen."

Tobin hummed, looking back at the paper then back at Y/n when she heard the door open.

"Hey where are you going?"

"Just going for a walk, hopefully get some wiggling done in my head."

"Okay." Y/n kissed Tobin on her head before exiting the hotel room.


Y/n had been wandering the streets for a while looking for inspiration when stumbling on a sign for a zoo.

Smiling at an idea and seeing a blank wall nearby, Y/n got a set of chalk ranging from black and white and started.

It was a pain to keep looking around for law enforcement while Y/n worked on the small mural even if there was barely anyone around Y/n still needed to be careful.

Squinting at the screen for the two reference pictures then using the light to get a better view of the piece, Y/n was finally satisfied with the result, taking a picture.

Standing up Y/n nearly jumped, frightened by the nearby shout of an older woman.

"Hey! Do you have a permit for that?!"

Y/n didn't bother answering, running in the opposite direction. Hoping the lady didn't see Y/n's face.

Heading to what looked like a nearby parking garage, Y/n ran inside to take a breather.

"I'm getting too old for this."


Walking into the dining hall for the team, Y/n and Tobin were holding hands seeing the team gathered in a huddle.

Y/n went to get their breakfast while a few of their teammates took notice of their presence. Tobin went to see what was going on and saw a picture pulled up on someone's phone.

When Y/n was heading over to the group, hearing some of the conversations,

"How did they do that?"

"It looks so realistic."

Among other things, Y/n looked over someone's shoulder to see the mural from last night.

"Meh." Y/n simply shrugged the art off, critiquing it silently.

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