Meet your Sister (Krashlyn) Part 1

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(Y/n) drove up to her her team mom's house getting a text from Ash that she needed her here and it was urgent. (Y/n) took a deep breath and exhaled, getting out of her car and walked up to the door.

She knew Ash tended to exaggerate sometimes, but in her gut she knew it was something else, but the only way she would know is if she knocked on the door.

Only waiting a few seconds, which was a little shocking but when Ash was standing there with light bags under her eyes, she was right back to worried.

"Hey, what's up, I came here as soon as I could." (Y/n) tried to talk to Ashlyn but didn't get a response as she was ushered into the home, "Seriously what's-"

(Y/n) stopped in her tracks when she saw Ali walking down the stairs begs under her eyes as well. While (Y/n) had lost her train of thought, Ali said in a quite tone, "She's finally asleep for her nap."

(Y/n) took what information she could gather from that asking, "Wait you're watching Syd's kids again?" The two women almost give each other a look, going along with the plan with how they were going to break the news to (Y/n).

"Not exactly." Ali spoke as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

(Y/n) looked at the women confused, "Then what on earth am I missing here, this isn't about you guys not going to camp is it? I'm going to kick Vlatko's ass, be right back."

(Y/n) turned around to open the door, and head to where ever she needed to make good on her promise but Ashlyn pulled her back turning her around saying, "No it, well, not exactly-"

And before anything more could be done or said there was sounds coming from upstairs of a baby rousing from their slumber. "I'll get her."

Ash was heading upstairs when (Y/n) spoke, "No, let me get her, you two look exhausted, get some sleep, relax."

Ali and Ashlyn froze as (Y/n) passed Ash and headed for the nursery. Ali and Ash quickly but quietly as they both stopped at the door way, seeing (Y/n) leaning over the crib.

(Y/n) picked up the crying baby whispering, "What do we have here, looks like Ali and Ash might have some explaining to do."

(Y/n) didn't have to get to close to the baby to know what the little one needed so she set her on the changing table, giving the little girl a clean dipper, putting some baby powder on her before finally closing up the dipper, getting the baby dressed again.

The baby had stopped crying and fell silent almost, just staring at the giant in front of her.

(Y/n) picked up the baby, giving her a kiss on her forehead, making the new born let out some type of happy noise. (Y/n) raised her eye brow and gave her a weird smile, making her giggle next.

"Okay Baby. The two women, who possibly kidnapped you, say it's sleepy time how 'bout it?"

The baby made more happy noises, (Y/n) then saying, "I'll take that as a yes."

(Y/n) rocked the baby softly in her arms, for a few minutes before she saw the baby drifting to sleep. (Y/n) only held her for a few more moments before setting her in the crib.

(Y/n) leaned down brushing the infant's hair out of her face, whispering, "Yeah definitely kidnapped, you are very cute and adorable though."

(Y/n) got up ready to leave the room, seeing Ashlyn and Ali at the door way, this caused her to furrow her brows but before anything could be said (Y/n) ushered the two down stairs to the kitchen.

Taking a deep breath, releasing a short sigh, (Y/n) finally asked, "Where did that baby come from?"

"Her name is Sloane and she's our daughter, we adopted her for the record, I promise there was no kidnapping involved." Ashlyn finally spoke.

(Y/n) let out an airy laugh saying, "I'm so happy for you guys." She brought the two into a hug, she felt the two relax.

Both Ali and (Y/n) listened to Ash when she started talking, "Don't you mean happy for all of us?"

(Y/n) looked confused till Ali clarified, "We were hoping you would want to be part of the family and maybe be Sloane's older sister." While Ali was saying this Ashlyn grabbed an piece of clothing, tossing it to (Y/n).

(Y/n) looked at the jersey, reading "Krieger-Harris" and below that was her own number covered the back.

(Y/n) smiled holding back the tears, bringing them back into a hug, saying in a softer tone, "I'd love too."

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